Jul 11, 2023

A Beautiful Sewing Machine and Sacred Memories

A Beautiful Sewing Machine and Sacred Memories

By Andrea Tadpole-Tadpole-Broussard


I have been working on my Dad's blanket of valor for awhile now. I finally got to the homestretch on it and my cheap sewing machine quit on me. So, I started praying and researching sewing machines. I needed one that could handle thick layers of material. It is what they call "heavy duty" now. I found one on Amazon for a few hundred dollars. Supposedly it was heavy duty but everything was plastic on it. So, I was not sure about it. That, and I really did not want to spend that much money.

Through what I believe were some divinely appointed events I met an awesome woman and fellow seamstress on Facebook. I asked her about the machine I found on sale. She planted a seed in my mind to look for a good, older machine because they were made so much better. So, I decided to scroll through Facebook market one last time. I stumbled on an ad for one listed for $75. The guy had a video of it running and it looked brand new. It was still available and my new friend encouraged me to go check it out. I went after work today.

It looked like it had rarely, if ever been used! It was just like the one I learned to sew on as a young girl with my mom and grandmother. Sacred memories flooded my mind as I was checking it out of my mom and grandmother teaching me. So much so that I teared up. Those were beautiful times in my life; treasured moments that I would give anything to have back.

Anyway, it is not the same brand but everything works like I remembered. It has a solid wood cabinet and is gorgeous. It even has a set of cams to embroider with!! It is impeccably clean, no scratches and the manual was still in plastic. I was able to buy it for $65. I got it home and it works great!!

If you had told me a couple of years ago that I would be sewing quilts and loving it, I would have told you that you were crazy. Yet, here I am in a beautiful home I thought I would never have again and I have my own art/quilting room. It is like an oasis and a sacred space for me where I can create. For me creating is my voice and much needed therapy to heal my broken heart.

I am so blown away at God's grace and mercy right now. I started taking some actions in my own inward life to get back to a more positive mindset. It is easy for me to forget that if I put out positive stuff that positive comes back to me. This is another reminder.

I am so grateful tonight for new direction and shifting to positive energy in my life. Thank you God for taking care of me even when I am not perfect and act like Much Afraid or Doubting Thomas. Most of all, thank you for new friends and a beautiful sewing machine that I can create sacred memories with.

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