Nov 26, 2020

My Little Kaylee Bug

In honor of my beautiful granddaughter Kaylee's 18th birthday I am reposting something I wrote for her 10 years ago. I cannot believe she is officially an adult. She is beautiful in every and I am so blessed to be her grandmother.  I love you Kaylee. Happy birthday!! 💖💖💖

My Little Kaylee Bug

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 

Written 12/8/2010

One day when I was adrift
Angels brought me
A beautiful gift

With dark hair
Bright eyes
And a shining smile
You toddled right into my life
And brought me joy from above

At first I approached you with hesitation
Because I already loved you so
And I was afraid you'd have to go

I withheld my affection for a time
And waited on the sidelines
While I watched you grow

Then on that first Gotcha Day
When you became ours for good
I could finally show the love
I had hidden in my heart so long

For you see
You've always been my granddaughter
From the moment our eyes first met
But on our Gotcha Day
You were mine forever
And I knew you'd never go away
No, never

I know God brought you
From heaven above
With your bubbly smile
And your big heart of love

So, when life is no longer amusing
When you feel sad and blue
When the road before you is confusing
And you haven't got a clue what to do

Hold on tight to Jesus
He'll always see you through

But most of all remember
Your GeGe is looking out for you

So today here I am
It's your 8th birthday
And we're celebrating your life

Happy Birthday
My Little Kaylee Bug

I love you forever
For I'm your GeGe
Don't you see

Nov 23, 2020

My Little Red Tea Kettle

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 

I did something for myself that I have been putting off for 20 years or more. It is a simple thing and not expensive but every little thing would get in the way. I finally went and bought myself a little red tea kettle that whistles. It cost a whole $14. So, why have I put it off so long when I made plenty of money to buy it? I cannot answer that riddle other than to say that I put me last all the time. 

When I moved in to my new rent house I promised myself I would treat myself with a tea kettle So, I went to the store. I wanted one that was silver like my grandmother Mary's but the red one kept calling out to me. I took it home and I have enjoyed having tea and coffee from it. Something about hearing the whistle of it soothes me.

Tonight I was waiting on the water to boil so my little red tea kettle would start whistling. I had planned to nestle into my recliner with a warm cup of tea and watch my favorite TV show. Yet, here I am writing instead.

As I stood there waiting for my tea kettle to whistle my mind was swept back to my grandmother's kitchen. Her nightly ritual after cooking and cleaning was to sit at the table and have her last cup of coffee for the day. She loved Taster's Choice instant coffee. If you happened to be there she would summon you to put the kettle on and make her coffee. She had to have 1 heaping teaspoon of coffee, 2 teaspoons of sugar and a teaspoon of powdered cream. When I was too little to make it she would make her some and make me up cup of "girl coffee" in this miniature China teacup. The "girl coffee" was mostly warm milk, but I always felt special sitting with her at the table drinking our coffee together. I remember one day when I was about 13 she announced I was ready for real coffee. I was so happy because now I could quit sneaking an extra spoonful of instant coffee in my cup behind her back. 

As the years went on I spent many an evening at my grandmother's table drinking coffee. We talked about nothing and everything all at the same time. We laughed, we argued and we cried. She would try to impart wisdom to me sometimes but it was as if she was speaking a foreign language to me. I just knew she would never understand me. Low and behold, I often have epiphanies about things she told me today. It seems I suddenly speak the language of my elders. 

Many times other women would be there around the table. Thanksgiving usually brought in my mother, Aunt Jessie and Aunt Frankie. I loved it when they were there. We would laugh and tell jokes. All these memories of days gone by when I was young and did not have a care in the world are etched on my heart and in my mind. I felt safe and warm there. 

So, I stood there tonight looking at my little red tea kettle, waiting on it to whistle. My mind was flooded with memories. I thought about what strong women I have in my family, especially my grandmother and mother. I am truly blessed to have been raised by them even into adulthood. They never gave up on me, even when they should have. 

Then, just as my little red tea kettle started to whistle, I realized my grandmother told one day that her favorite color was red. Tears rolled down my face. I knew that this was my grandmother's way of reaching across the great divide to tell me she is with me. See, I have alot on my plate to deal with right now. In many ways I am just like her in my little family. I am the strong one that everyone assumes will always be there with a cup of warm soothing coffee at the table of life and I often feel no one is there for me. 

I did not understand the treasure I had right in front of me in my grandmother until it was too late. Yet, I was there when she took her last breath. That was many, many years ago but it feels like yesterday. When I need to feel her near me I will get my little red tea kettle out, let it whistle, poor me a cup of instant coffee and feel my grandmother's presence with me again.

I love you grandma! 💖

Nov 14, 2020

My New Pairs of Glasses

My New Pairs of Glasses

By Andrea Tadpole-Brousssrd 

It is funny how something little like getting new glasses yesterday can be the catalyst to perk me up a little. I have been putting off dying my hair for 2 months now. I felt so happy about my new glasses that I dyed it today.

I am reminded of an awesome book called "A New Pair of Glasses". In it, the author talks about putting on "a new pair of glasses" or changing one's perspective in life in order to find peace, serenity and sobriety.

My new pairs of glasses made me happy today. In this crazy world I will take anything good from wherever it comes from, even my new pairs of glasses. 🤓😎🥸😜

Nov 13, 2020

You Are Not Alone

Wrote this for a friend who is having a hard time. Figured I'd post it here in hopes it will help someone else...

You Are Not Alone 

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard

I'm right there with you. Life is hard. 2020 has been hell on earth. COVID has everyone running in circles. We don't know from one day to the next if they are going to shut everything down again. Should we run and stock up on toilet paper again or what? The news reports say people are dying by the thousands. Yet, we still gotta get up and go to work, pay bills, buy food, and if you have school aged kids figure out how to keep their education going. Cars break down, family members get sick, etc. It goes on and on.

During the worst of the pandemic and shutdown I drove for Lyft 12 hours a day to make ends meet. God protected me and I did not get COVID. I was in a car wreck in June and people lied and I got the ticket. It was my brand new car too! I look back and right when I needed it God blessed me with a direct full time job in July. Then, I was forced to move. That wasn't in my plan but God blessed me with a decent home in a quiet neighborhood. Right before I moved my beloved service dog Reggie died. That broke my heart. Just as I was getting unpacked I fell and fractured my leg. Went to the doctor for that and also found out that as a result of the car wreck I have a cerebral spinal fluid leak. I was told no weight bearing and stay down as much as possible till they can get referrals and appointments for my brain problem. Oh, and I forgot to mention the job I got was remote at home...another blessing! So, I have spent the bulk of my time in my recliner working.

Do I have moments where I freak out and have bitch sessions with God about how I can't take anymore? Oh hell yeah! I'm human and I'm certain I'm a direct decendant of Doubting Thomas. I get up every day and ask Jesus to let me stick my finger in His side to make sure He's real. He always pulls His shirt up, smiles and tells me to go ahead. He understands how insecure I am inside and loves me sweet His amazing grace is!!

I'm telling you all this to let you know...YOU ARE NOT ALONE. We are all out here in this crazy world struggling to get by and keep hope alive. The most terrifying feeling I had when everything shut down was realizing if my children and grandchildren asked me what do I would have to tell them that I don't know. So, I got quiet and heard the Lord say, "Tell them to pray and do the next right thing." I have since told them that and we are all making it through day by day.

I remember a time over 20 years ago when I was at work in panic inside over my 15 year old daughter being pregnant. I was scared and had no clue what to do. A random meeting at coffee pot sent an angel you know as your momma into my life. She saw me fighting back tears and pulled me into a break room and told me about you and the church you guys went to. You know the rest of the story. And look how awesome those 2 babies and their teen mommas turned out! You are all very beautiful inside and out.

God has continually carried us all through all kinds of stuff. I know you're tired and it feels like your boat is slamming all over the ocean. But, you know who is fixing to wake up a calm the storm. Pray harder than you ever have in your life. I know I am. Keep your eyes on Jesus. He will make a way. I am not just saying it when I say I'm praying for you. I am and my prayers avail much.

I'll get off my soapbox now. Be still and know my friend! 🙏💜🙏

Nov 10, 2020

For My Daddy on Veterans Day 2020

I am reposting this for my daddy Elmer Tadpole Jr for Veteran's Day tomorrow. He probably won't read it because he never logs in to Facebook, but that's ok. He knows how I feel. I wrote this a long time ago and have been able to add more notches to his walking stick since then. He's one of my best friends today. He served in the Navy on the USS Hornet. I am very proud of him. I love you daddy!!

The Walking Stick
by Andrea Tadpole
Written Christmas 1999 for my Dad

Dear Dad,

I have been thinking about what I wanted to write you for a long while now. The present I bought you is more symbolic than anything else, however I hope you use it all the time.

My mind is flipping from scene to scene; each scene is a memory from my childhood. Remember all the car wrecks I had and the knock-down-drag-outs and yelling matches we had when I was a teenager? How could you forget, right? Then there are other memories, the ones I hold the very closest to my heart, the ones I wouldn't sell for a million dollars. One is of when we lived in Okmulgee. It was Christmas time and you bought me some kind of thing that we made cars with. You and I would sit for what seemed like hours and pull these cars along an assembly line as we built them. Another was of me in great anticipation of your return from your business trips, wondering what charm for my bracelet you would bring me this time. Probably the fondest memory of all is the night you took me out on a "date". I think I was probably ten or so. I remember I dressed up real pretty and mom did my hair. You took me to Arthur Treacher's Fish and Chips. I felt like the luckiest little girl in the world. Do you remember remodeling the house on West Eighth Street? We put the paneling up in the den and redid the plumbing. I had so much fun with you then. I remember when you walked me down the aisle the first time. I was seventeen, terrified and excited all at once. You looked so handsome in your tuxedo. I remember being so totally captivated by you. You were always my hero, even when I was a teenager and too damn stubborn to admit it, you were my hero.

I have other memories too. These are of me as a woman. You were there for me when no one else wanted to be when I went to treatment. You helped me take care of the kids when I was in college. Another memory is that of when for about a year or so I refused to talk to you. I remember you told me that when I was ready to talk to call. The only regret I have is that it took me so long to get ready. I remember the night I finally called and we talked for at least a couple of hours. You told me you could not change the past, you could only start right where we were and try to make it better. I will forever cherish every time you have given me my sobriety birthday chip in AA. I will especially remember this past year, my thirteenth birthday sober. Every word you said about me is forever etched on my heart. I'm still captivated by you and you are still my hero, you always will be. Someplace deep down inside of me I will always be your "little girl".

So, I said all of that to tell you this story. I heard a preacher teach about the symbolism of Moses and his rod or staff (I call it a walking stick) in the Bible. In Biblical times, a man took his walking stick with him wherever he went. It was a permanent part of him. Since he did not have photographs and most people could not read or write he would log his memories on his walking stick. Each time a significant event occurred, be would cut a notch in his walking stick. So, one could say that a man's walking stick represented his life. A man was married ... add a notch; his father died ... add a notch; his son was born ... add a notch; and so on.

When God told Moses to drop his walking stick before Him, He was really asking Moses to surrender his life to Him. When I heard about this, I started thinking about all the notches in your walking stick. I knew I had to get you one. When I was at the mall, I found one. It was tucked away in the back of the rack and it wasn't quite as pretty as all the other ones. It looked a little banged up and bad knotholes or "notches" all over it. It reminded me of our lives together - a little banged up and rough around the edges - yet strong enough to withstand the test of time. It was perfect!

So you see, my dear daddy, every time you look at this walking stick and you see the notches, pick one out and think of me, your "little Andy". Call to mind a memory. Remember both the pleasant and painful. I believe that we would not be where we are today without going through it all ... good and bad. Most of all remember the day I gave you this gift. Remember that I love you more than I know how to show and never forget that you're still my hero and always will be.

Your Loving Daughter,

Nov 5, 2020

My Response to a Post About the End Times

By Andrea Tadpole-Brousssrd

I was forced as a kid to attend numerous Bible studies on Revelations and the end times. It caused me to live in fear. As a young mother I remember when they started putting bar codes on groceries and scanning them. Everyone screamed that's the mark of the beast! I prayed one night about this hard because I was taught if you accepted "the mark" you were damned to hell. That never made sense to me. If God is all loving and we are His creation why would He set us up to rot in hell? So, like I said, I prayed hard about this. I told God I would be a liar if I said I would never take a mark to feed my family, because I would. Its not that I hate God, but I love my family and have to care for them. I experienced a peace about it like never before. I heard God say in my spirit, "I know. Its ok. Do what you have to do to survive and I will protect you. Nothing can keep me from loving you. I judge your heart, not whether you take a mark or not. Trust me, I'm in control." After that, I just do not worry about it anymore. So there's my 2 cents worth on it. Have a good night!

Nov 3, 2020

Prayer for My Baby Girl

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 

I was blessed with this beautiful little girl when I was still a very young woman myself. I named her Alicia Dawn. I had her first name picked out since I was 14 years old. I named her after a younger cousin of mine who I babysat for. I was named after her mom and I thought it would be neat to carry on the tradition. Her middle name came from the fact that she was born at the crack of dawn. So, here I was 21 years old with her and her big brother. I had so much growing up to do. We went through alot together throughout our lives. We have clashed horns, screamed, yelled and cried. Yet we have always found our way back to eachother. 

I always called her my "Sweet Alicia". We took a twisty-windy road to finally bonding with eachother. Yet, today she is my best friend. She has no idea how proud I am of her. I see her today and I think of that tiny little baby and how absolutely beautiful she is inside and out and I am humbled to think that God let me be her mom.

Tonight my heart is heavy because my Sweet Alicia is facing something pretty scary and I cannot be right next to her to protect her like the momma bear inside me wants to. I will not put details out here. I just need all my friends who pray to join in prayer and agreement, so please, just stop for a minute and pray with me...

Father God,
Right now I come to you and I lift my beautiful, Sweet Alicia up to you. Lord you know the thing she is facing right now. Lord, I know that you are our Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals. You said in your word to call the things that are not as though they are, so Father I call Alicia healthy and whole. No weapons formed against her shall prosper. Lord give her and all of us around her the peace that passes all understanding. Let us all know to very depths of our spirits that you have Alicia in your hands and she is going to be ok. Lord Jesus, I pray from depths of all that I am that in my absence from her side right now that you bring other angels in human form to help my baby girl with whatever she needs. Bless her coming and going. Father I know that all of Heaven is praying for her too. I also know that the prayers of a mother are the strongest and live on forever. Tonight I am storming the gates of Heaven with prayer for my baby girl. Please wrap Alicia in your arms for me and let her know how much I love her. Please hear our prayers. 

In the mighty name of Jesus. 
Amen and amen!!