Sep 24, 2017

My Dreams

My husband Andre texted this to me today 9/24/17 and I don't want to lose it so I'm posting it to my blog. His words are precious to me!!!! ❤❤😍😍😍

My Dreams

By Andre Broussard

Sometimes I don't tell you about all my dreams. Well every night I used to have the same one.They stopped a few years ago. I used to wake up all upset because it was just that, a dream. My life was all about going to sleep to dream those dreams. Again and again I would just wake up to the dream. Not long ago while asleep I realized those dreams was long gone. It's hard for me to see and say how I feel at times. But the easy part is looking at dreams and reality. I realize now looking at reality you was many dreams come true! I would do anything to make this dream last the rest of my life. Each day I realize I don't miss those dreams. I live with it while I am awake. No longer is it a dream, it is the love of my life!!! I Love You So MUCH MORE!

Sep 17, 2017

Worth Sharing Again

I wrote this on 9/17/16 so its been 5 years now. It's worth sharing again...

For My Sweet Andre

By Andrea Tadpole Broussard

It's11:51pm on September 16th, 2016. Before the clock strikes midnight I want to say that 4 years ago today I met my sweet Andre. He is the most loving and caring man. I am truly blessed to call him my husband today. He and I have a good life together.

We both have gone through hell in the past and by God's grace come out the other side. We understand that about each other. Life isn't always a nice pretty picture. Quite often it's a big mess. Yet, even in the hardest times Andre and I have always ended the day together in each other's arms. He's not perfect and neither am I. Yet, we are perfectly imperfect together.

Andre is my gentle giant, my soft landing when the hard, old world knocks me down. He's my safe place where I feel loved and protected. He has renewed in me the belief that there is still good in the world. He has done this by the way he treats people. He's the most kind hearted man one could ever meet. He's always willing to help out a friend. He takes care of his family and now mine too in different ways that most people never hear about.

Andre has learned to live with my hearing impairment and always supports me in dealing with it. He never has belittled me when he has to repeat something for the fifth or sixth time. He just deals with it. This may not mean much to those of you who can hear, but to me it means the world. I trust him with my life.

Andre is a good man. He makes me want to be a better person. I am blessed to have him by my side and honored to be his wife. I love you more my sweet Andre! <3

Sep 15, 2017

5 Years Ago Today

5 Years Ago Today

By Andrea Tadpole Broussard

I wrote this for my husband Andre today, 9/16/17


I was going to buy you a card but I decided since you keep texts and emails maybe you'd read it this way more. So, I sent it to both.

5 years ago today on 9/16/12 you messaged me on OKCupid and I met you face to face on 9/17/12. So began our journey through life together. You are the most awesome man in the world and you have made me the proudest woman in the world. Life is not perfect and we have had our share of struggles. Yet, our love for eachother has carried us through...the greatest of these is love.

The day I met you, you captivated me with your smile. I saw your heart in your eyes and I fell in love with you. I have been head or heels for you ever since.

Like you said in your vows to me the day you gave me the sacred honor of being your wife..."We aren’t promised tomorrow but I have the joy of loving you today.”

I love you MORE my sweet Andre and I always will.

❤❤❤ Andrea ❤❤❤

P.S. This is my favorite recent picture of us because we made an awesome memory together that day. May we make many more!! 😍😍😍