Feb 3, 2023

God's Invisible Qualities

God's Invisible Qualities

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard


We are doing a study on Romans at my church. We have an online discussion board and I really like it. Especially considering I write better than I speak. The current question on it is how do I see God's invisible qualities in my life in reference to the first chapter of Romans. I have been letting this question ruminate in my heart and mind for a couple of days. I do not know if this will make any sense to anyone or if it goes exactly with the discussion, but it is what is on my heart to share, so here goes.

I saw God's invisible qualities in a recent encounter with one of my granddaughters in the last few days. She is 17 years old. Her and her mom (my daughter) and sister live many states away. We are close in spite of the miles between us. Our love for each other always finds a way to bring us together.

She recently got her heart broken by her first, now ex-boyfriend. It has been devastating for her. I have been texting her encouraging words and memes every day. The other night, she called me via video chat, and we sat and talked for at least 2 hours. I had been in my own funk that day. My father died a few months ago, and grief had me by the throat right when she called.

As we began to talk, it was as if time stood still for me. Nothing else mattered, but my granddaughter. I listened to her heart, and I saw the beautiful spirit she had. She talked about her love for the Lord and how confusing and sad everything has been. I did my best to give her encouragement in spite of the fact that I felt so empty inside. We ended our call with a prayer. It was a very sacred time between me and her.

Over the last few days, I have reflected about those holy moments I shared with her. God always gives me those moments out of nowhere when I am not paying attention to the move of His spirit and when I need them the most. I definitely did not feel like I had much to give to her at the time. Actually, even though she does not know it, she gave more to me. In those sacred moments, she was the oil of joy to my broken heart. My granddaughter sent me a text last night and told me how much that time together meant to her and that she is doing better.

God always does things in the quiet, invisible ways. He is so loving and omniscient, yet He does not need to call attention to Himself. He just lets His beautiful Holy Spirit move. When it moves it is breathtakingly gorgeous. It is always just what we need in that moment.

I do not believe in coincidences. I believe in holy moments. I am very grateful for His invisible qualities and never-ending, unconditional love. His grace and mercy are beyond words to me. Most of all, I am blessed to have holy moments with my beautiful granddaughter Bella. ❤️

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