Feb 18, 2025



By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 


I have thought quite a bit about what I am about to convey on the subject of writing today. I decided to divorce my mind from grammatical perfection and simply write my heart. This is not a target towards any person or group. It is simply me, my authentic self, sharing my heart about what writing means to me. Those who know and truly love me unconditionally will understand and I owe them no explanation. Those who don't will fade away. So here goes...

I am very passionate about writing
Before I could walk or talk I had a pencil in my hand
I would draw and attempt to copy what my dad wrote all the time
I wrote on anything and everything 
I got in trouble alot for that
I could write sentences before I started school
So one could say that writing was my first language 
Over the years writing has become a
Constant companion for me
I do not write physically with pen and paper much anymore 
That is because my hands shake and I cannot read it later 
I type mostly on my phone 
I do not share everything I write with everyone
I keep it in a blog for my kids and grandkids 
So they will have it when I am on the other side
Hopefully many, many years from now
Writing has been the underpinning of my life 
The very foundation of my journey in sobriety 
Writing has shown me how to live life sober
It has been my constant companion
It has been there when the whole world walked away
It has been the tool that brought me clarity Whether it is short or long writing is like my life jacket 
It keeps my head above the waves in life’s storms 
When I feel like the tool that has kept me alive is threatened 
Or I will be subjected to judgment or limitations 
I feel afraid and deeply hurt
If I am told to limit characters 
I feel like I am being told to dim my light 
I do not think about how many words I write 
I just write
I write because it is cathartic 
It untangles the chaos in my mind 
Sometimes it is beautiful 
Most often it is messy and ugly
Yet I coninue to write 
Because if I cannot write and be real 
Without fear of being too short or long 
If I cannot write without being told to 
Dim my light 
Then I will lose me 
If I lose me 
I lose everything 
So I will continue to
Protect my voice
Protect my light 
Protect who I am 
And keep writing
Because I unapologetically
Love to write

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