My Inner Child
By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard
My inner child is the deepest part of my spirit and mind.
It is the never-ending excitement and imagination that comes from pure Spirit and the indescribable love of God.
It is that little girl who believed that anything was possible and that everybody in her world loved her.
She is the one who trusted everyone. She was fearless and would try anything. She loved to create things and solve problems.
She was the one who loved to sit with her Daddy in the evening and build cars on a little assembly line of parts and pieces that he got for her.
She is the little girl who always felt she was safe with her family until the reality of the dysfunction she lived in settled upon her.
She is the one inside of me that still lurks in the shadows and peaks her head out to the light once in a while when she feels safe enough to.
She is the one who has been deep inside me my whole life, like a silent scream begging for attention.
The one whose innocence was stolen before she even knew how to talk. That innocent part of me that was not protected by those who supposedly loved me the most.
She is the one who I went back in time and rescued and brought her back to the light so many years ago.
She is the one that I protect with fierce, unending loyalty and unconditional love. She is the one that I am the greatest cheerleader for.
She is the part of me that carries the most phenomenal and gorgeous light.
She is the one who will turn my dream into a reality.
Someday, when my old body is tired and worn, she will be the one who will lead me home to the arms of God, where I came from so many lifetimes ago.
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