Feb 28, 2025

My Inner Child

My Inner Child 

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard


My inner child is the deepest part of my spirit and mind. 

It is the never-ending excitement and imagination that comes from pure Spirit and the indescribable love of God.

It is that little girl who believed that anything was possible and that everybody in her world loved her.

She is the one who trusted everyone. She was fearless and would try anything. She loved to create things and solve problems.

She was the one who loved to sit with her Daddy in the evening and build cars on a little assembly line of parts and pieces that he got for her. 

She is the little girl who always felt she was safe with her family until the reality of the dysfunction she lived in settled upon her. 

She is the one inside of me that still lurks in the shadows and peaks her head out to the light once in a while when she feels safe enough to.

She is the one who has been deep inside me my whole life, like a silent scream begging for attention.

The one whose innocence was stolen before she even knew how to talk. That innocent part of me that was not protected by those who supposedly loved me the most.

She is the one who I went back in time and rescued and brought her back to the light so many years ago.

She is the one that I protect with fierce, unending loyalty and unconditional love. She is the one that I am the greatest cheerleader for.

She is the part of me that carries the most phenomenal and gorgeous light.

She is the one who will turn my dream into a reality.

Someday, when my old body is tired and worn, she will be the one who will lead me home to the arms of God, where I came from so many lifetimes ago.

Feb 19, 2025

More Thoughts On Grief

Something I wrote about grief for a friend. I''m pretty sure I wrote it for myself too...

More Thoughts On Grief

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard


I understand how you feel. There is nothing worse than seeing someone we love so deeply die and we can do nothing to stop it. It breaks us in places most people have no clue about. I am not going to lie and tell you it will get better. Because honestly, it takes a long time for the heart ache and everything to quiet to a dull roar. Well, at least it's taken a long time for me.

There are days that I actually think I'm doing pretty good and I manage to scrape out a little happiness. Then, out of nowhere, blam! All the grief and heartache hits me like a tidal wave. On those days, I just have to hang on to my life jacket AKA God and pray my ass off until the stormy seas are calm again.

There is no right or wrong way to grieve the loss of someone we love so deeply. My experience has been and still is that we just have to walk it out. It's a journey with no destination that we must we walk alone. That does not mean that no one is there for us, it just means that it's something we have to do alone within our heart. Nobody can reach that but us. I hope that makes sense.

I've been having a little bit of a rough time myself lately. The anniversary of my dad's death was February 11th. He's been gone 3 years. I held his hand and gazed into his eyes until he took his last breath. Sometimes it feels like he's been gone 3 days and sometimes it feels like 3,000 years. I miss him more than I know how to say. I lost my stepmom on January 20th and my beloved cat right behind that.

People tell me that I am too defensive and abrasive right now. I want to scream, "Try walking my shoes for a day you jerk!" But I don't. I just swallow the sorrow and keep moving. I'm not saying I don't have good days. I do. But on the days that sorrow is right there in my throat, I just have to feel my way through it and hang on to the Lord.

Sorry I went on and on, I just totally get where you're at. I can guarantee you this, we have two days in our life that we have no control over and no one else does either. That is the day we are born and the day we die. Only God has control of that. So, even though I know the guilt will nip it your heels for a while, it was not your fault and you did everything you could. The love you shared with Randy is not gone. It's still there alive and well. The hard part is being apart. But I promise you Randy would tell you to stop beating yourself up because he knew you loved him and you did all you could.

My heart and prayers are with you! Message me if you need to talk I'm here. 😢💜🙏🏼

Feb 18, 2025



By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 


I have thought quite a bit about what I am about to convey on the subject of writing today. I decided to divorce my mind from grammatical perfection and simply write my heart. This is not a target towards any person or group. It is simply me, my authentic self, sharing my heart about what writing means to me. Those who know and truly love me unconditionally will understand and I owe them no explanation. Those who don't will fade away. So here goes...

I am very passionate about writing
Before I could walk or talk I had a pencil in my hand
I would draw and attempt to copy what my dad wrote all the time
I wrote on anything and everything 
I got in trouble alot for that
I could write sentences before I started school
So one could say that writing was my first language 
Over the years writing has become a
Constant companion for me
I do not write physically with pen and paper much anymore 
That is because my hands shake and I cannot read it later 
I type mostly on my phone 
I do not share everything I write with everyone
I keep it in a blog for my kids and grandkids 
So they will have it when I am on the other side
Hopefully many, many years from now
Writing has been the underpinning of my life 
The very foundation of my journey in sobriety 
Writing has shown me how to live life sober
It has been my constant companion
It has been there when the whole world walked away
It has been the tool that brought me clarity Whether it is short or long writing is like my life jacket 
It keeps my head above the waves in life’s storms 
When I feel like the tool that has kept me alive is threatened 
Or I will be subjected to judgment or limitations 
I feel afraid and deeply hurt
If I am told to limit characters 
I feel like I am being told to dim my light 
I do not think about how many words I write 
I just write
I write because it is cathartic 
It untangles the chaos in my mind 
Sometimes it is beautiful 
Most often it is messy and ugly
Yet I coninue to write 
Because if I cannot write and be real 
Without fear of being too short or long 
If I cannot write without being told to 
Dim my light 
Then I will lose me 
If I lose me 
I lose everything 
So I will continue to
Protect my voice
Protect my light 
Protect who I am 
And keep writing
Because I unapologetically
Love to write

Feb 14, 2025

Thoughts About My Daddy on Valentines Day

Thoughts About My Daddy on Valentines Day

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 


I have come to understand that the definition of a soulmate is not necessarily a lover. One of the greatest soulmates in my life was my Daddy. I loved him very much when he was alive, but the last 3 years since he transitioned to the other side have made me realize the depth of the love we shared and still share today. I was there when he took his last breath. I held his hand and I told him to go home and I'd meet him there soon. 

At that moment in my life I realized that time here on Earth is nothing like time on the other side. So I truly will meet him again soon on the other side. Yet, I know that it will be quite while in the time frame I live in here on Earth. That is because I have more work to do here.

I saw this picture in a post and it made me think of my Dad. I know when I get to the edge and jump to the other side, he will be there to catch me. I know he's around me in spirit because he sends me signs every day. Yet, my heart longs to hear his voice and feel his hand in mine. 

It is strange the things we remember when someone we love so deeply is gone. The last month of my Dad's life, when I would visit him in the hospital every evening, all he wanted to do was hold my hand and watch television. I'd give anything to sit and hold hands and watch television with him now!!

A sacred and beautiful memory was brought back to life in my heart and mind tonight. For that, I am truly grateful. 

Happy Valentines Day! I love you my dear Daddy! ❤️