Bible or Not

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard


This is something I wrote in response to a discussion on Facebook about Trump not putting his hand on the Bible when he was sworn into office on January 20, 2025.

1. I am a Christian. I am not a “conservative” nor am I a “liberal”. Unlike most people in this country, I use my mind and brain to study everything and come up with my own conclusions. I certainly do not believe anything that any media organization spews out. They are only framing things in their own way to get their own agenda across and most of it is not true. The truth is always perverted a little or a lot to make the sheeple follow them. I am not a sheeple.

2. On some things I am very conservative and on others I am more liberal. So, I think I fall somewhere in the middle of everything, while the rest of this country is too busy hating anybody that opposes their line of thinking. And we wonder why we have all the problems we have now?! Everyone hates each other because they do not have the same viewpoint. This country was founded by people who unified despite their differences. If we do not get back to that we are doomed.

3. There is a saying that I absolutely love about being a Christian. It is, “Sitting in a church pew does not make you a Christian anymore than standing in a garage will turn you into a car.” Sadly, most churches are whitewashed tombs. By that I mean they are full of a bunch of hypocrites that only look pretty on Sundays and treat others like crap the rest of the time. The worst of them are the pastors. That is why I refuse to participate in organized religion. If Jesus sat down in a church today there would be a unified mob of conservatives and liberals throwing him out because He does not look good enough. They would not recognize Jesus if he stood right in front of them because they are so busy hating anyone who does not subscribe to their political beliefs. Most so-called Christians today, whether liberal, conservative or somewhere in the middle have forgotten all about what Jesus taught…LOVE.

4. Putting your hand on a Bible does not make someone a Christian. It just looks good on the news. Even the Bible says that you will know a person by the fruits they bear. People put their hands on a Bible every day in courtrooms across this country and swear to tell the truth. Then they coldly look people in the eye and lie on the stand. Same goes with politics. So, putting your hand on the Bible does not really matter, does it? To me it is more about how you live your life and how you treat others.

5. At the end of the day, politicians really do not give a shit about us little people. Every one of them, on all sides and even in the middle, only care about their agenda and securing their position. They do not really care about anything but themselves.

6. During the inauguration Monday, while everyone else was busy spewing hatred at each other because they had differing beliefs and ideas, I found my beloved stepmother in her home alone where she had passed away in the bathtub. I could frankly give two craps about what anyone thinks about anything right now. I am living a nightmare because I lost my best friend. I frankly think all the rhetoric and bs on ALL SIDES needs to stop!! We need to get back to loving one another instead of hating each other. My heart is breaking and I can barely breathe most days.

7.  I am trying to plan a funeral while everyone else is worried about whether somebody put their hand on a Bible or not. For the love of God, there are so many more important things to put your attention on!! Have you called your mom today? Have you talked to your best friend? Have you reached out to help somebody that is hurting? 

Life is but a vapor, fleeting and soon lost. You never know when the ones that you love are going to be gone. You never know when you are going to take your last breath. So, I really think that everybody needs to shut up and take care of their families and their loved ones. When we die we cannot take our political beliefs with us. The ones closest to us are mot going to care whether we were Republican, Democrat or dazed and confused in the middle. The things they will remember are the memories we made spending time together. In the end, that is what truly matters.