May 8, 2010

My Heart Has Finally Found A Home

written in 1995
by Andrea Tadpole

My mind goes back to when I was wild
A time when I behaved much like a child
I used to be happy, bright and gay

Whatever happened I cannot say
The light and fire left my eyes
All I did was cry and cry

My heart was pierced with pain and sorrow
Fear of yesterday and tomorrow

I felt lost and all alone
For my spirit I found no home

The light in the tunnel disappeared
For my life I did fear

Then came my Savior
All dressed in white
He came to save me from the night

He led me to a smoke-filled room
In those walls I felt no doom

Laughter and joy enveloped my soul
I started climbing out of the hole

With the help of His big, strong arms
I was spared from further harms

Today I'm alive
And I am free
I can face reality

Yes, there's been pain
And there's been sorrow

But no more fear of the past or tomorrow

Grace and peace have been given to me
So I can show others how to be free

I know that I am okay
As long as I live in today

My heart has finally found a home
From it I will never roam

1 comment:

  1. I love all your writings on your blog, but I really love this one. After my mama died I became so angry at God, and I turned my back on Him. I totally and completely did not want anything to do with God. I was already in deep, black depression but when I made the choice to abandon God my life became worse. I felt so empty, soooo alone, it was the worst time of my life. I struggled with fighting God, but I finally came to the realization that I was nothing on my own. Only by the loving grace of God could I stand on my own two feet. Life is not easy, but God's wonderful love makes it bearable. I feel so sorry for the people who don't have God's love in them.
