by Andrea Tadpole
It’s just an ordinary box
Nothing special about it
It's laid around
Been overlooked
Moved from one place to the next for years
It's covered with pictures and decorations
Memories from the past
If it could talk it would tell
Of the life of a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend
It would tell of life's ecstatic joys
And aching sorrows
It's covered with butterflies for little Zoey....
Her 11 minutes of heaven
The frogs are for Aidyn....
The boy she longs to hold
They both remind her of the resurrection
Give her hope of being called home someday
To be with them again
The ladybug is for Kaylee....
The light of her life
God chose them for each other
The love and compassion they share are like cool water
To her weak and thirsty soul
The jewels are for the children
Whose lives she's already touched with her love
And still those yet to come
The twisting, winding lines of gold
Are like the golden thread that runs through life
That thread is God and His love for us all
He is a constant presence
Sometimes not so noticeable
Yet always there
Constantly weaving this beautiful tapestry
He takes our lives
The joys and even sorrows
And makes it beautiful somehow
It's the ties that bind us together as a family
It's the words on the box
Faith, Hope, Love
Courage, Endurance, Forgiveness
Joy, Beauty, Passion, Touch.....
The pictures are reminders
Of those who love her
It's not much
Just an old box
Yet it holds a lot of love
Put into it by two little girls
And their grandma
For one they hold so dear
So she keeps it around
Puts little treasures in it
And will tell the story of it
To her own grandchildren someday
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