Jan 11, 2025

Symbols of My Life

Symbols of My Life
Graphite on paper, 2002

By Andrea Tadpole

This is a symmetrical drawing I did in college back in 2002. The assignment was that it be symmetrical and contain symbols that represent my life. I am a member of AA and have been sober since 7/5/1986. That is my rebirth day, the day I started my journey in spirituality. Doing this drawing in and of itself was a spiritual journey for me. The act of creating anything always is very sacred to me because I feel like I am sitting at God's throne when I am doing it. It feels like God, Source or whatever I call my Higher Power on any day, is creating through me. It is as if it falls out of my spirit. It is a very Holy experience for me.

Here is what the things symbolize in this drawing for me:
1.  The nails and crosses represent my Higher Power and the total unconditional love He had and still has for me. It is the sacrifice that was made for me. My understanding of God is that He (I use "he" for lack of a better term) loved me just as much when I was face down in my puke drunk as He does all these years sober today. He loves me, because of who He is. It has nothing to do with how good I am.
2. The stairs throughout the drawing represent the 12 steps of AA that I work continuously. They are spiritual principles that I live by the best I can every day.
3. The symbol of AA is a circle with a triangle in the middle. Hence the spheres and pyramids. 
4. The spheres remind of God's love...it is a circle with no beginning and no end...God's love is never-ending They also represent completion for me. I never completed anything until I got sober.
5. Pyramids are sources of power. When I remember to be still and tap into their power I find peace and hope.
6. The 2 giant stone structures are the altars that remind me of the two times in my life that I have spiritually laid myself on God's altar and surrendered myself unconditionally. They are what I call my Demascus Road experiences or spiritual awakenings. The altars are also like my God Box in my heart where I turn over the things and worries that I cannot control. For me, letting go of something is a process. I let it go and take it back over and over until I eventually just leave it on the altar for my Higher Power to deal with. It is always amazing to me how fast things work out when I finally let go.
7. The four broken jars represent the verse in the Bible that I like. I do not know it verbatim but my paraphrased version is, "God takes broken vessels and turns them into beautiful jars of clay." I am still a work in progress, but I am not nearly as broken as I was day one sober. For that I am truly grateful.
8. The dark background is the past that I left behind. I have never looked back and never will. 

I am so truly grateful for the life that my Higher Power gave me and continues to bless me with today.

Dec 3, 2024

My Concept of God

My Concept of God

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 


I am writing this on my own page, where my beliefs and thoughts about God are all that matter. I am not pointing anyone out since I have the utmost respect for others points of view, even if we differ. I am just going to share my heart. So, here goes...

If one were to reread what I wrote called "My Promise Ring" one would see that God is mentioned many times. I happened to call what I experienced manifestation, someone else might call it name it claim it, others call it an answered prayer. I agree with all of those.

Honestly, I believe we all pray all the time. I read a little book years ago. It was about the Lord's Prayer. The last page said, "If every thought is a prayer, what have you been praying for all day?" Think about it. Deep, huh?

For me, nothing is "new age". It is all about how I personally experience my Higher Power who I choose to call God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit each day. If I lock God in a tiny box in my mind because I am afraid I will go to hell if I open my Spirit and mind and ask Him to enlighten and awaken a deeper walk with Him, then I am serving the wrong god (notice the little "g"). Either God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are all powerful, all loving and all forgiving, or I am screwed. 

I learned a long time ago not to limit God. I mean He rules the Universe! What am I afraid of, that He might bless me?! I also realized that the very people I judge the harshest, turn out to be my greatest teachers. Everyone has their own journey with God. He comes to all of us individually, in the way we each personally understand Him. What works for you might not work for me and vice-versa.

I simply do my best each day to seek my Higher Power with all my heart and be open to what He shows me. Some days are better than others. That is where the beautiful gift of God's grace comes in. 

One last thing...I believe that God loves me because of who He is. It has nothing to do with me and how good or bad I am. I spent many years drinking and drugging and kept telling myself when I get good enough I will get help and get back to God. Today, I understand that God loved me just as much when I was face down in my puke drunk and high as He does today with over 38 years sober and clean. He came to me where I was and picked me up with the help of angels on earth along the way. For that, I am truly grateful and I why I cling so tightly to the freedom and love my Higher Power has taught me. I will never apologize for my concept of God. It is mine and mine alone.

Dec 2, 2024

In Memory of Randy Joe Rice

In Memory of Randy Joe Rice 

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 


Randy Joe Rice and I met many years ago in AA just as we were both starting our journey in sobriety. Over the years, he was a trusted friend of my family. I spent many evenings at a local diner drinking coffee with him and many others for the "meeting after the meeting". We laughed through the good times and held eachother when we cried through the hard times. 

Randy was very intelligent and a proud English teacher. I used to jokingly call him the grammar police. He was also an awesome musician and artist. Randy was this big, burly man who could look menacing when needed. Yet, he was a mushy marshmallow inside. He had a heart of gold.

Randy exemplified the altruism that AA taught us. Let me give you an example of how he lived the program. When my daughter was 15 she became pregnant. At that time, you had to have passed the 8th grade reading test in order to get your drivers license. She desperately needed hers with a baby coming. Sadly, we found out she had not passed the test she took years before.

While at a meeting after the meeting one night I was explaining this to everyone and asked if anyone knew a good, cheap reading tutor. I heard Randy shout from the other end of the table, "Don't look any further. I'll do it!" Randy came to our home twice a week without fail for several months and taught my daughter to read. He never allowed us to pay him. He said it was the least he could do since God was so good to him. A couple of months before my daughter had her little girl she took the reading test, passed with flying colors and got her drivers license. Today, my beautiful daughter is is in college working toward her Nursing degree.

Had it not been for the unconditional love and time that Randy took to help my daughter, she would not be where she is today. I will be forever grateful to Randy for the gift he gave my family all those years ago. 

It is easy in the world we live in today to grow cold and indifferent. Randy was and still is a reminder to me to stay open and give what I can to those in need. My life was so blessed by him. I know he is rocking out with Lord now. Yet, I am going to miss him deeply.

My heart and prayers are with his wife and family. Rest In Power my dear friend. Give my Dad a hug for me when you see him!

~ Andrea 💜🙏🏼😢

Nov 30, 2024

My Promise Ring

I wrote this for some friends of mine today. I did not want to lose it so I am posting it here.

My Promise Ring 


By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 

You guys, this manifesting stuff works! I woke up this morning and I knew I had things to do but I really just wanted to do something for me. I knew that was not possible so I said a quick little prayer that God would help me get everything I needed to do done and let me have a few minutes left to myself. Within a few minutes my previous commitment got canceled. I was not happy about that since my loved one was not feeling well, but I was very grateful for a few minutes out of my life do some things that I needed and wanted to do.

One of those things was to go to the Zales jewelry store in the mall to get some rings inspected for my every 6 months inspection to keep my warranty in place. I am supposed to go every May and November. The last time I went was in December last year, right after I had already been there the month before to get some repair work done. The girl that helped me said I did not need to come back until November because I had been there within that 6 months time frame so I skipped May. I have been through nine kinds of hell with my husband's health since then. Numerous surgeries and he nearly died once. Some of my memories from this time last year are sketchy due to all the stress I have been under. I was concerned that maybe my memory was wrong and they would say what I was told was not true and they could not continue my warranty.

I decided to take a few minutes and meditate before I left the house. I got really quiet and manifested that everything would work out to where my warranty would be continued. I also just ask God or the universe to give me positive energy and grace with everyone and everything I encountered today. During my time of meditation and asking for this I swear I heard Spirit say, "Andrea don't you already know you are the universe?" Okay, mind blown!

When I got to the mall, I went to look in handicap parking for a spot. Right when I pulled up, someone was backing out of a spot right in front of the door to Macy's. I had to walk through Macy's to get to the jewelry store. 

When I entered the store I nearly walked headlong into a display rack full of purses. I stopped and looked at them because I need a purse and I am very particular about the purses I use. I will usually carry the same one until it is falling apart. I do not care anything about matching colors with clothes. I looked down at the bottom of the rack and there was the exact kind of purse I was looking for with the pockets and everything the way I love them! I thought it was probably too expensive but I looked at the price tag anyway. It had been marked down from $100 to $14.98! Of course I bought it!

Then I went to the jewelry store. It was crowded and a little chaotic. I waited to the side for a while. Finally, this gentleman mouthed silently to me that he would be there in a few to help me. I told him I understood what he said and that I am hearing impaired and I read lips. He mouthed back to me, "So is my father. He reads lips too!" He smiled really big and I mmediately felt a connection. He came over, looked at everything and said I was fine and extended the warranty. 

As I was waiting on him to clean and inspect the rings I looked down and there was this gorgeous amethyst ring. It does not have real diamonds around it or anything but it is absolutely beautiful. It tugged at my heart. I remembered a time many years ago when I went through a program about women and spirituality. At the end we each gave ourselves a promise ring. I lost my promise ring a long time ago. What flashed through my mind was, "Andrea, this is your new promise ring." I felt my spirit jump for joy inside me.

When the clerk came back with my other rings I asked him to show me the ring. It is silver. It has a gorgeous amethyst that is surrounded by white sapphires. Those of you who know me know that the amethyst is my most beloved crystal. Purple is the color that vibrates the highest to me in the universe. I asked him how much it was and he said it was on sale for $59.99 and if I spent an extra $20 it would have a warranty on it if anything happens to it just like what I have on my other rings. So, I bought it. It has to get resized but I will get it a few days after my birthday in December.

I do so much for everyone else and I never do anything for me. The cost of this ring and the warranty will not break the bank for me. Yet, there are days that I will not even buy myself a cheap bottle of lotion or something because I feel guilty for taking care of me. Today, was the first time in a long time that I gave a gift to myself.

Now, I am in the mall parking lot in my car with tears in my eyes. Mostly tears of gratitude. I have been on this journey of self-improvement and enlightenment for a few years now. After my dad died I spiraled down to a very dark place. A couple of years ago I was led to someone and a group of people who reached down and helped me climb out of the hole I was in. It all started with gratitude. 

Some of you I have known about a year, some a couple of years. Some, have just entered my inner circle. Each of you blow me away with the light you shine. You have no idea how beautiful it is!! I would have never thought to do anything nice for myself like this unless the seeds had not been planted in my heart and soul from you guys. I will be forever grateful for your unconditional love.

This ring is just a thing. Things can be replaced. Yet, it symbolizes the journey I am on. It is a reminder to me of my commitment to continuing to stay on the path of enlightenment and to take care of me so I can share my light with others. It is my promise to myself to not let fear of the unknown stop me again.

To all of you who are in my tribe...you know who you are...I love you deeply! 💜

Nov 9, 2024

My Thoughts on Politics and the 2024 Election

I posted this on my Facebook but wanted to post it here too.

My Thoughts On Politics and the 2024 Election 

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 


I am posting this on my OWN PAGE and posting is publicly which I rarely do. I am doing this so I have greater control over snarky and hateful comments. Yes, they will be deleted. And NO it is none of your business who I voted for even if I voted at all. 

Now, here are my thoughts on the ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE AND HATEFUL posts I have seen on my feed from ALL SIDES. You should be ashamed of yourselves. It sickens me.

I think that God looks at ALL OF THE HUMAN RACE...ESPECIALLY THOSE OF US IN THE USA with disgust. Much like parents do when their adult kids do stupid crap. I mean here God gave us the world. We did not take care of it and it became so immoral that He flooded it with the exception of a few. We continued in our dysfunction and hatred of eachother so much that He sent His only son to try to teach us ONE THING....LOVE. 

All Jesus did was teach about LOVE. He did not hang out with the elite and pious religious jack wads of that time. He hung out with the prostitutes, tax collectors and what the "main stream" people of that time saw as scum of the human race. God even sacrificed His only Son to try to teach us that LOVE is the answer. Have we learned anything? Obviously not. Because of the hateful posts and memes I have seen. It breaks my heart. 

I believe that satan (if you believe in it) is sitting back laughing with perverted joy at the hatefulness and division that politics has caused in our country. Instead of focusing on Jesus and LOVE, people are demanding that they are right and anyone who doesn't agree with them should be excommunicated and damned to hell forever. I am referring to ALL sides in this pissfest.

I guess I'm different. I understand that there are much more important things in life than whoever is president, who is elected to whatever government office or whatever political party someone is in. All that is a game of smoke and mirrors anyways. Sadly, most people are either too blind or dumb or both to see it. They continue to drink the Kool-Aid of hatred and follow the pied piper aka wolf over the cliff with all the other sheeple.

While everyone is bitching and spewing hate about recent political events, there are still people in this world who need help!! Some are homeless. Some work their asses off only to not have enough left after paying bills to feed their families. There are alcoholics and addicts who are trapped in the insanity of that disease who just need help getting out of their own nightmare. Still others are secretly thinking about exiting this crazy world at their own hands while their families are focused on politics and rage. Their families will be stunned when their loved ones finish the job and they missed the signs. What about those still trying to recover from losing everything in the recent hurricanes? And let's not forget those who are battling a terminal disease such as cancer or something else!! I venture to guess that all of these people could care less about politics and who won or lost anything. They are just praying for their own miracle and hoping they can make it through another day. They desperately need the LOVE Jesus tried to teach us about!!!

In my humble opinion EVERYONE...whether Red, Blue, Purple (my favorite color) or no color at all needs to STOP with the hatred and START practicing the very things they sing and read about in churches across this nation on Sundays. Quite frankly, sitting in a church will not make you a Christian any more than sitting in a garage will turn you into a car. Isn't there a quote somewhere that says, "And they will know we are Christians by our LOVE"? People need to sit down, shut up and really reread the Bible, and actually LIVE what Jesus taught. Remember those pesky red letters...ya know...the words Jesus supposedly said? A few of my favorites are:

John 13:34-35
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another"

John 15:12-13
"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends"

Luke 6:27-31
"Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. Do to others as you would have them do to you"

I do not really care who won or lost a political election. I understand that there are other forces at play in this world. Some good, some bad. I also understand that ultimately God is in charge and I trust Him much more than any person in this world. So, I am going to focus on my Higher Power and LOVE. The haters can just hate and block me. I do not care. I probably won't even notice they are gone.

To my family, that I call my Looney Tunes tribe... you know where I stand on things and you know I do not care what your political beliefs are at all. I just love you for who you are and nothing is ever going to change that. I am so proud of everyone of you. God blessed me with you! I love you more than life itself!!
The last thing I'm going to say with all sincerity is this...
I pray and will continue to pray that God shatter the bonds of hatred that so many people in my community and country have willingly shackled themselves with. I pray that they find their way back to LOVE. In the name of Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit, the Great Spirit, My Creator, the Universe, the Primordial Ooze and other things I call Higher Power at any given moment. Amen and amen!!

Oct 8, 2024

The Old Tree Stump In My Back Yard

The Old Tree Stump In My Back Yard

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 


I have noticed a change in the way I view things. I started out on this path to change my life at an even deeper level a year or two ago, after my father died. Before then, I never even really looked at trees. I mean I love nature but I did not understand that everything talks to everything. I have always loved birds. Birds have always spoke to me in one way or another. But, I never realized how everything in this universe is connected. 

Over the last couple of years my spiritual eyes have become stronger and stronger through different types of work that I have been doing. When I look at this tree stump I do not just see an old piece of wood laying on the grass. What I see is something beautiful. It served as a home for so many animals in my yard. Many of them I never really saw. I just knew they were there. 

My husband was going to cut it down when we first moved in and I adamantly refused to let him do that. I did not realize back then why, but I understand now. When this old tree stump fell it was very sad and very sacred to me. I mean it was inevitable because it was obvious the tree stump was dead or dying depending on how you look at it for a long time. But, over the last couple of years I saw the life in it and around it. It served a purpose even though it appeared to be dead. 

I guess it kind of reminds me of my dad. He was a very tall and strong man for most of his life. He would be the protector that raced in to save the day. He truly was my Prince Charming and my hero. Over the last couple of years of his life I watched him slowly deteriorate, to the point that he finally fell for good. 

Yet, I see his spirit all around me and I feel him everywhere. Kind of like the way this tree is still there in spirit and if left alone will give what is left of its mortal body back to the Earth where it came from. How beautiful is that?! So, that is why I am going to let this old tree stump in my backyard rest in peace where it is.

I think this world has become cold and harsh for the majority, especially here in the United States. We do not honor our elders. We certainly do not honor them after they transition to the other side. Most people are just glad they are gone. I suppose that is why I try so hard to honor my father. Because in honoring him, I am reminding everyone that he is still here and still alive. He is just in another realm and someday the veil between us will be broken and we will be together again.

I would have never thought that an old tree stump would teach me such a beautiful and sacred lesson about love and spirit. I am very grateful for the signs that God sends me all the time. I am also grateful that today my eyes are open and I can see them and let them in.

Jul 1, 2024

Indigo Child

Indigo Child

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 


I hope there's enough room here to give you my answer. I watched this last night. I sent this to my accountability Buddies and I want to send it to you.

Oh my God!!! I listened to that thing called Indigo Child on LOYT. Well let me just say mind blown! My first thought is my grandson Michael is one and that is why I enjoy him at a level that I have rarely enjoyed someone before. That's also why I'm fiercely protective of his innocence. 

My next thought is I am one. That very thought brings tears to my eyes. The woman speaking said something about if you're an adult and you realize you were one at what point in your life was it shut down. Immediately I know it was when my uncle molested me the first time. I've been thru years of therapy over that and made peace with it within myself. I will never be okay with him and that's okay. Who would be? There has been this anger in the depths of the deepest parts of who I am over this and now I understand why. He stole so much from me.

When I was born it was at a time when it was not okay to get pregnant before you were married. My parents had to get married whether they wanted to or not. Either that or they were going to force my mom into an unwed mothers home to get rid of me and adopt me out and make this ugly thing go away. My dad would not have any of that and he married my mom.

I learned years ago through some experiences that I had that I was born into this world under a root of rejection. Something that I hated and and fought for a long time. I believe that's part of why I became and alcoholic.

When I was a little girl I had a very very vivid imagination. At least that's the way my parents explained it. I had what they told me were Imaginary friends. But in my heart I knew they weren't imaginary even though everybody else could not see them. I could draw before I could walk or talk. I remember trying to tell my parents about all these beautiful things that I saw and they would just tell me I was such an imaginative little girl. Inside my heart I secretly knew they were real but I didn't tell anybody because I thought they would think I'm crazy.

When I was 10 years old one evening I came home from school it was a Wednesday night and I asked my mom to take me to church. We never went to church on Wednesdays only Sundays. I just knew we had to go. That night I was what they called baptized in the Holy Spirit with the gift of speaking in tongues. A lot of people think that's weird I just know that was my first spiritual experience in my life and it is very real to me. I knew that I had the gift of discernment and healing. This night happened right before my uncle molested me the first time. I've always wondered in my heart what spirit out there was so scared of me that they would let that happen. Why did my light need to be shut down so bad? But I never told anybody.

At one point in my late 20s early 30s I was very active in a church that believed in the Holy Spirit and I started praying for people when I felt led to when they needed healing. I don't know if anybody got healed. I never followed up with people. I just know that people would come to me out of nowhere and ask me to pray for them, to lay hands on them. I remember one time it happened out of nowhere in a grocery store and there I was praying for this lady. I didn't seek these people out they found me.

Then, one day a very close friend of mine saw me at an AA convention. Right there in the middle of a crowd he begged me to pray for him that he could quit smoking. At first I told him no but he begged me. So I prayed right there in the middle of the crowd that God would free him from his addiction to nicotine. I prayed that he would drive him to his knees if he had to. One month later he found that he had lung cancer and he died three months later. I never prayed for anyone again. It broke me in 2 because I felt like maybe it was something I did and I didn't mean to. I haven't let my light shine since, until now.

Like that lady said on the recording if you are one, if you have the gifts that an indigo child has you can't ignore them forever. They push you and they pull you until you let them live.
Now I don't want you guys thinking that I'm anybody special cuz I'm not. I'm just a 61 year old lady trying to find my way through life I am not perfect and nowhere anything close to what Jesus was.

I guess when my dad died I realized that I do not want to waste this life any longer. I don't exactly know what it is I'm supposed to do but I'm not going to hide anymore.

July 5th 1986 was my rebirth day. I don't mean that I got saved that day. I had been saved and baptized so many times before then that I had my ticket to heaven. What I mean is that's the day I got sober and that's the day my life was reborn. I will have 38 years in a few days. It may look like I have waste a lot of time. But I know in my heart that every step I have taken has gotten me to where I am now. It is not by chance that the two of you are on this path with me. God doesn't do coincidences. So, I don't know where the realization of who I have always been is going to lead me. What I do know is I'm very grateful that the two of you are with me. I love you both very much.

One last thought, out of nowhere yesterday a lady told me that I needed to realize all the angels that are around me and focus on them. Now I understand why.

I will add this for you Michael and Elizabeth, I am so grateful the two of you are in my life! This recording about indigo children blew my mind and answers a lot of questions for me. Thank you so much for letting the universe guide you. 💜

Jun 18, 2024

Bella's Stole of Honor

Dear Bella,

I have been thinking a lot about what this  graduation stole signifies to me. When you asked me to make it I got excited again, like when Courtney asked me to do a painting for her. Creating things is the energy that fuels my soul, especially when I do it for those I love so deeply. 

I always have a story for anything I create . It is written on my heart as I am creating. When I look back on my life, I realize that when I was in art school every painting, drawing, photo and print I did had a meaning and a story. Sadly, I had an art teacher who did not like the fact that I had a story with them. All he did was try to snuff out my light. It did not work did it?! Do not let anyone blow yours out either! So, here is the story of your stole of honor.

Bella's Stole of Honor

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard


My granddaughter Bella asked me to create a graduation stole for her high school graduation on June 18th in just a few days. She wanted the stole to have a Native American theme because we are Cherokee and she wanted to celebrate that. Of course, this excited me to no end and I rushed off to Hobby Lobby to find the perfect material and other items to use as embellishments. I had never made a stole before so I found a pattern to go by and changed it up a little. I always let colors and images I see help me form a plan. Most of all, I pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit to help me convey the message God wants the receiver of my gift to hear or see. It took me a couple of days to actually start on the stole. During that time, I had a dream and I got a picture inside my spirit of how Bella's stole needed to look and what it needed to say to her heart. Everything on it has a meaning from every stitch of thread to every image.

Bella’s stole is two-sided. On the front is all the bling. The fabric is in a Native American pattern. It calls to mind our loved ones who have gone on before us. There is a cross because I know Bella loves Jesus with all her heart. There is also a paw print and a picture of a dog that looks a lot like her beloved Betty. Betty went to be with the Lord a few days ago and I know that Bella's heart is aching over it. Betty carried her and her family through many devastating times and she celebrated the good things with them too. Betty was just as much a part of our family as anyone else and she deserves a place of honor on the front to celebrate with Bella. She serves as a reminder that we never lose those who have went to the arms of God before us. They are always ever present we just have to slow down to see them.

As I was creating Bella's stole of honor, my mind went back to when I was her age. I remember feeling like I could have anything in the world if I just worked real hard. I had all these plans and dreams. I just knew they would all come true. Yet, as a young adult I learned very quickly that life happens and sometimes our best laid plans do not come true. I believe that is because life does not happen in a straight line. It is full of all kinds of twists, turns and detours much like the threads and stitches in this stole. The best we can do is set goals, take steps and always remain flexible and willing to change when the path before us shifts. Most of all trust God.

I started asking God what else Bella needed for her stole. Most stoles only have the front side. The back side, the one that touches the body and touches the heart is blank. I got a picture in my mind of Bella as a young woman. Maybe she might be going through a hard day at work, or the kids are not acting right or she is weathering one of those storms life randomly throws at us all. She needed something to wrap herself in to remind her of where she came from and all those who love her dearly. 

I got this picture of quotes and images of those who love her deeply on the back of her stole. Of course, there is a picture of her and her mother, her sisters, myself, her grandparents, her uncle, cousins and others. There are words of wisdom and pride flowing through each image. These are there to remind Bella on those rough days that life throws us that she will make it through and she is not alone. Her story is never over.

The wolf symbolizes the Wolf Clan that we are part of in the Cherokee tribe. The crow is a nod to my beloved father who absolutely adored Bella. There is a picture of him holding her when she was born. I know that he is with her in every step she takes and he is the most badass guardian angel she could ever want. 

There is a reminder of the importance of family, even the ones in your family that you do not always get along with. Someday, Bella will realize that you never know who will end up in your corner when you need help. Quite often, it is the very one that you dislike the most. So, it is important to stay open but wise.

At the top and Center of all this jumble of people we call our family is Jesus, depicted in a little circle that says "Love Like Jesus". This is something that I try to do everyday and quite often fail at. All the more reason to keep Jesus the center of who we are.

The field of blue that her family and well wishes are displayed on symbolizes loyalty and fidelity. It also reminds me of my father, because it is the same color that his eyes were. It personally reminds me to look people in the eye. You see, I spent the last few minutes with my father before he died and I never realized what a beautiful blue his eyes were until that last moment. I remember thinking why had I not looked in his eyes more. So, it is a reminder for Bella to look in people's eyes, and really look into their souls.

Last but not least, there are two tiny little elephants. That is a reminder for Bella that me, her GeGe, will always be around and with her, whether in this life or on the other side.

So, my dear beautiful Bella, on days when life's storms are hammering you pull your stole of honor out and wrap yourself in it. Remember the deep love, pride and excitement we all feel for you. Never forget, you can do whatever you want to do if you will put your mind to it, pray and follow God.

I will always love you more,

GeGe 💜💜💜