Jun 1, 2023

Here's What's On My Mind Today

Here's What's On My Mind Today

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 


My Daddy died 2/11/22. I still have a hard time with it. He was my best friend, my hero, my confidant, my voice of reason in the chaos of life. I feel so completely lost without him. I manage to push through the days and work but that is all I do. All I know is grief is not linear. We do not go from point A to point B on the journey we never wanted to take. For me grief is more like a tangled up ball of yarn. It is all twisty-windy. Just about the time I get to the point I think I the ball of yarn is untangled I find even worse tangles. I do not know if that makes sense to anyone else, but it does to me. Grief is hard and while people can try to be encouraging; it is a journey we go on alone. Today, I woke up crying and have been crying off and on most of the day. It is just one of those twisty-windy days for me. I have learned to be gentle with myself and takes things a day at a time. There is no timeline for grieving the loss of someone we loved so deeply. Some people can snap out of it and move on. I am not some people. I may never snap out of it and that is okay with me. I loved my Daddy very deeply and always will.

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