Aug 23, 2022

My New Journey with Quilting

Well, it's official in my mind now and I've taken outward action on it. After my father died my granddaughter Destiny Zelsnack gave me the idea of making a quilt out of his t-shirts that she got him over the years. So, the idea has been rolling around in my head ever since. I'm a very creative person although most people probably don't think so. I have watched a plethora of YouTube videos on quilting. I learned to sew as a teenager, that's the easy part for me. I found a method I like and I got most of my supplies. It has occurred to me that I have suddenly become a scrap material addict. I have my design all drawn out on graph paper with seam allowances factored in. I am expecting this to be similar to stained glass. You have your pattern but then along the way you encounter hiccups and have to adjust to them. Sounds alot like life doesn't it?

For me, creating something is a spiritual journey, no matter what it is that I'm doing. I had it all planned out that I would paint. I haven't painted in a long time. Yet, every time I tried something stopped me. When I started letting the ideas flow for a quilt, I felt my creative passion come back. I had a huge stack of old t-shirts that were my dad's. I started going through them. The first one I pulled out was the one with the Native American shown in the picture. My dad was a proud Cherokee man. When I saw the shirt I smiled because I knew my dad is guiding me through this. 

On the front side of the shirt is the statement, "We should understand well that all things are the works of the Great Spirit." I will figure out a way to add this to my first quilt. I know everything that is happening in my life is meant to be. We are never truly apart, even after death. We just have to be still and watch for signs.

I love you Daddy!

P.S. I will post pics of my progress once in awhile for everyone. Assuming the first turns out good I already have several other ideas in mind. Oh my, I need a bigger artroom already! 🤣🤪😁

Aug 17, 2022

Heaven In His Eyes

Heaven In His Eyes

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard

August 17, 2022

I am always taken by surprise when God gives me what I call sacred holy moments. They usually happen when I least expect it and from a place or person that I would never think possible. Tonight the bearer of this precious gift to me was my 3 year old grandson Michael.

Michael is an energetic little boy. He is full of excitement and awe at the world around him. He soaks in everything like a sponge. He is always trying to figure out how things work and he loves to learn. He is completely obsessed with solar system. He can name and identify every planet, moon, name it. He knows things I have never heard of! It's fun to watch the excitement that builds up in him when he tells you about it.

My son texted me the other day and we planned to have dinner together tonight. When they got to my house Michael decided he wanted to draw a picture of the sun and planets. So I got paper and pastel crayons out for him and he went to work. He was so excited. He would tell us all about each planet he drew. There was this joy all around him and it filled the room. It even inched its way into my downcast heart. I always say that my little grandson is the oil of joy for my sadness from losing my father a few months ago.

After Michael finished his masterpiece he reminded me that we always sit on the front porch and swing when he comes over. So, off we went to the front porch. We swang and named the colors of each car that drove by. It had been cloudy all day but while we were sitting there the blue sky started peaking through behind the clouds. Michael got all excited. He asked me, "GeGe, how do the clouds move out of the sky?" I replied, "Well I suppose God blows them out of the way." Then he said, "Well if God does not blow them out of the sky so I can see the moon tonight then I will just blow them out of the way myself. I like to look at the moon." We both laughed and kept swinging.

When it was time to go home Michael gave me the picture he drew of the solar system. We hung it on my refrigerator together. He stood there looking all proud of his accomplishment. I told him how much I loved the planets he drew. His eyes were sparkling like 2 beautiful stars as he gazed at his picture. Then he looked at me and said, "Gege, its beautiful because it's Heaven! See? Right there it is. All planets and the universe is Heaven!" At that moment I saw Heaven in his eyes.

I do believe my little grandson has seen and knows God much better than I do. He still has that child-like innocence and faith. I hope he never loses it. I hope I always see Heaven in his eyes like I did tonight. What a sacred holy moment I was blessed to experience with my beautiful grandson. It is one I will treasure all of my days.

As for the picture...I will always see Heaven in it now. I will forever be reminded of seeing Heaven in his eyes when I look at it. I will frame it this weekend and display it proudly.

Oh, Michael, my little grandson...I always say you hung the moon for me. Tonight you truly did!! I love you more my sweet boy!

GeGe ❤️

More Random Thoughts About Death from Yours Truly

More Random Thoughts About Death from Yours Truly

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard

August 14, 2022

It was 6 months since my Dad went home to be with the Lord on August 11th. Some days it seems like 6 minutes and others it seems like 6 years. It is weird how time goes so slow and yet so fast all at the same time. God's timing always frustrates and amazes me at once. I can see His hand at work, yet I do not understand His ways most days. 

I spent up until my 30s, so the majority of my life, hating my Dad and fighting over stupid shit with him instead of taking an active interest in him and enjoying the good in him. When I realized that, I started reaching out to him everyday and I went to spend time with him as much as I could. Over time, my relationship with him healed. Every day until he could not do it anymore he would text and tell me I was his beautiful daughter, that he loved me and was proud of me. It only took a few seconds to do that but it made me feel like I was important to him. I still have those texts today.

When my Dad died I was right there with him. He held my hand and never let go. Our eyes were locked in a gaze with eachother until his last breath and last heartbeat. All I could think was why I never knew what a beautiful almost sky blue color my Daddy's eyes were. They were gorgeous. I do not know why I never took the time to just look in his eyes. How sad it was that it took me till he died to really look in his eyes.

So far, I have learned a few things from my Dad's death. Life is too short to build walls between you and the ones you supposedly love. Life is fleeting and soon lost and should not be wasted on one's who take no active interest in you and your relationship and vice versa. Most of all, it is important to take the time to really look in eachother's eyes because there will come a day that it is too late and you will not be able to.

I am sure I will learn more as time goes by. Someday the hurt will not be so bad. But right now, there are days it hurts to breathe because I miss him so deeply. I am doing the best I can and it is a Holy friggin' miracle I have not drank or drugged over it all. God's grace has kept me sober in spite of it. Oh what a precious gift God's grace is!!

I love you Daddy. I miss you. You are still alive in my heart and mind. Until we meet again...XOXO!!!

Andi ❤️