My Bathroom
By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard
I am sure that by the time you finish reading this, many of you will think I am crazy. That is fine. Just try to read with an open mind. Hopefully by the end you will understand my heart.
As far back as I can remember, the bathroom has always been my safe place. I think that is because as a child it was the only place I could go to get away from everyone, especially when I took a bath. I could lock the door and shut the chaos out. As a young woman my bathroom became the place where I would pray.
Over the years my bathroom has become my "war room" to intercede for others and myself in times of trouble. It is also my sanctuary where I worship God. Nobody else is there to watch or judge, it is just me and my God. So, my nightly bathtime has become a spiritual ritual for me.
I was listening to TD Jakes the other night. He was talking about churchgoers who skip the praise and worship and only show up for the sermon. He said that preaching is God speaking to us through a person, it something we take from God. Praise and worship is something we give to God. Bishop Jakes said most people only want to take from God. Yet, if they only understood that when they truly give to God through worship He overwhelms us with the greatest blessings.
Tonight, I was thinking about that as I drew my bath. I have been going through alot lately. Life has a way of throwing us curveballs and mine has been pretty curvy lately. So, I decide to play music from my all time favorite worshipper, Rich Mullins. His music is etched on my heart.
I was soaking in my bath, listening to the music with my eyes closed. I thought about how Rich Mullins died way too soon. Then I saw myself at God's throne and Rich Mullins was playing. People were worshipping God. It was so beautiful. I was standing there in awe when I felt someone grab my hand. I looked over and it was my sweet Zoey. I could see Mikey, my other grandchildren and loved ones who have gone on to Heaven around us. Zoey looked at me and said, "GeGe, don't you understand? God needed him here more than He needed him on earth." I smiled at her and said, "Zoey, you all are the blessed ones. You get to worship God all the time. How awesome that must be!" We hugged and Zoey was gone.
It is no coincidence that Zoey came to me today. She was born on February 28, 2006. Lived 11 minutes and captured my heart forever. God knew I needed a message from her. She reminded me that no matter how twisty-windy, scary life gets God is there, ever present and fighting for me.
My favorite song of Rich Mullins for all time is Hold Me Jesus. It is the song that I was listening to when Zoey came to me. Enjoy listening to it and remember God is there with you.
Today, I am very grateful for my bathroom.
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