Jan 15, 2018

30 Years Ago

30 Years Ago

By Andrea Broussard

I'm sitting here tonight remembering myself 30 years ago. I was 24 or 25 years old and newly sober in AA. I think I had about a year sober. I was just trying to pull my life together so I could give my son and daughter a decent life.

In the midst of this time a friend of mine and I started a Christian based group locally for anyone to attend, not just alcoholics. It was for anyone who needed help be it addiction, alcoholism, mental or emotional issues, whatever. I was young bouncing all over the place but I managed to help start this group.

After a while I moved on but my friend continued it. It is still going today. I have had many friends and family who have found relief from life's troubles in this group. Through a set of circumstances my son found this group tonight. He's not an alcoholic or addict. Life has just served him a crap load of loss and difficulties including a dibilitating illness. He called me after his first meeting tonight to tell me how awesome it was, how much it helped and how he couldn't wait to go back. I could here the hope back in his voice. It was music to my ears!

I have been praying so hard that God would bring him relief and help. Little did I know 30 years ago that this group would survive and thrive and be here today to help my son.

Once again I stand awe of my Abba Father, my God and my Creator. I am reminded that God is always working way in advance to help us. He always has a plan. He uses us even when we don't realize it to lay the groundwork for others to be helped in the future. I am humbled to think the tiny part I played to start this group is now helping my son. I'm even more grateful to those who kept this group going even after I left. God is so good and mercy endures forever.

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