By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard
Please understand, my comments are not directed at anyone in particular, just what I have seen in my life. If church works for you, go for it. I am just sharing my thoughts.
I have never been one to celebrate Easter very much. By that I mean that I have never cared for the commercialized version of Easter bunnies, eggs, baskets, etc. I did do the obligatory Easter baskets, eggs and hunts with the kids when they were growing up. I just never cared for the hoopla that surrounds it.
I find it repulsive that many people go to church every Sunday and praise God. They put on nice clothes and act the part during the service only to go home and back to the lies they live. Most would spit on a homeless person before they would help them. They will tell someone who is going through a hard time personally or financially to "hang in there I am praying for you" yet offer no real help. Most churches will not open up their doors to the hopeless unless it looks good publicly for them. Most pastors care more about those that tithe the most than helping those that really need it. I know that every church is not this way but sadly, the majority are. Churches for the most part have become a social club where people compare their net worth, homes and cars and Jesus is a pesky side item. This is why I do not go to church very often.
I have never been one who can act fake and my life has fallen apart more than it has been together. So, I never did fit in with the white washed tombs seated in the pews. I know if Jesus were walking the earth today He would turn tables in most places we call church. The churches have lost sight of who they supposedly worship. I quit church in order to hang on to my relationship with Jesus. Sorry if it does not make sense to anyone but it does to me.
See, Jesus is not about a bunch of rules and regulations. He does not care where I live, what car I drive, how much money I make, who I hang out with, whether I cuss in traffic, or any of that kind of stuff. He loves me unconditionally. He loved me just as much when I was face down in my puke drunk as He does today with over 30 years of sobriety. Jesus loves me because of who He is, not because of how good I can get. That is His amazing grace.
Jesus is simply love, unconditional love. If it were not for His unconditional love I would have died many years ago. I would have missed the life I have lived and have now. It has not been perfect but even in the midst of my deepest sorrows I have seen His hand working and felt His touch. It came from angels in disguise around me.
So, I am pausing for a moment today to acknowledge that Jesus, the One I found on my knees at foot of my bed on the most terrifying night of my life over 30 years ago, is still alive. He's alive in my heart and ever present in the angels in disguise around me. This is what Easter is to me.
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