May 16, 2012

My Response to a Gay Rights Debate on Facebook

I have read everyone’s banter back and forth about this subject and I have mulled it over in my mind for a while now. I call myself a Christian and by that I mean that I believe that Jesus was God who came in the form of man to the earth to redeem us. He was the ultimate sacrifice for us. He made that sacrifice because of who HE IS, not because any one of us could ever possibly get good enough to deserve it.

I was raised in what I call a Heinz 57 religion, a little bit of everything and all mixed up. I was told that I had sinned if I even as much as thought about committing a sin. Well, in that case I was screwed by the time was 3 years old. I hated my new little baby sister who screamed all the time and prayed God would take her away. Hell I have even fantasized about some really weird stuff that I will not share here so that would dam me to hell too. Not to mention all the different things I have participated in before I got clean and sober 25 years ago. I was told one thing after another by so-called holy men, pastors of churches. They supposedly knew the Bible and had a direct pipeline to God. They were skilled charlatans who could manipulate and pull any verse in the Bible out of context to suit their agenda. While at the same time, most of them were bilking people for money, having affairs and screwing their secretaries or trying to get in my pants when I got old enough. All this left me with a bad taste in mouth about religion.

Fast forward to 2003. I went back to college to earn my Bachelors in Fine Art. I had to minor in Art History. I had no idea how much art has played such a significant role in religion throughout history, especially in the Middle Ages. All of the education that I got and the research I had to do left me dumbfounded. Everything I thought I knew to be true about the Bible and Christianity is not at all what I was taught. I will not bore you with the details, research it yourself if you dare. I will simply say that the Bible has never been translated in its true form. There has always been an agenda behind how things are interpreted and translated. King James had his own political agenda and single handedly refused to allow some books to even be included in what is now accepted as the Holy Bible. He didn’t like what it said or something in it went against his agenda for political power. He actually used it as a form of propaganda. Oh and don’t get me started on the Catholic Bible. So, how does anyone really know that what we know as the Holy Bible is really what was written? The truth is we don’t.

Having said all that, here is where I stand on sexuality. We can banter back and forth. One side can shout we are right the other can shout you are wrong, but in the end we all have to face our own mortality and be judged by God and He is the only judge (assuming you believe what the Bible says). That being the case, who died and made any human being God? Who gave any human being the right to judge another? I do remember that there is a Bible verse that says “judge not lest you be judged.” Over the years I have come to realize that there is a lot more gray in the world than black and white. It is nobody’s business what sexuality an individual chooses but that individual’s. Debating whether one was born gay or straight is like asking which came first the chicken or the egg? What the hell difference does it make? The reality is there is an egg and chicken and we have to deal with it.

This world is a hateful non-inclusive place most of the time. People who march to the beat of their own drum (like me) and refuse to conform to society’s stereotypes are ridiculed and shunned. Why can’t we celebrate our differences instead of walking along like stupid sheep to the slaughter? I am not gay, I am straight. I like being with men. Does that make me bad? Does that make me an outcast or a slut? According to previous comments as sin is a sin is a sin so I would be a sinner dammed for hell wouldn’t I? Is my lifestyle choice any more or less a sin than that of a gay person? I don’t think so, I think that neither of them are sins.

I think the greatest sin in the world is to not love. Christ came and preached a message that people still don’t hear today…Love one another. He did not say love one another only if you’re straight or only if you’re monogamous or only if you’re gay. He simply said LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Is it really that hard?

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