Nov 30, 2024

My Promise Ring

I wrote this for some friends of mine today. I did not want to lose it so I am posting it here.

My Promise Ring 


By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 

You guys, this manifesting stuff works! I woke up this morning and I knew I had things to do but I really just wanted to do something for me. I knew that was not possible so I said a quick little prayer that God would help me get everything I needed to do done and let me have a few minutes left to myself. Within a few minutes my previous commitment got canceled. I was not happy about that since my loved one was not feeling well, but I was very grateful for a few minutes out of my life do some things that I needed and wanted to do.

One of those things was to go to the Zales jewelry store in the mall to get some rings inspected for my every 6 months inspection to keep my warranty in place. I am supposed to go every May and November. The last time I went was in December last year, right after I had already been there the month before to get some repair work done. The girl that helped me said I did not need to come back until November because I had been there within that 6 months time frame so I skipped May. I have been through nine kinds of hell with my husband's health since then. Numerous surgeries and he nearly died once. Some of my memories from this time last year are sketchy due to all the stress I have been under. I was concerned that maybe my memory was wrong and they would say what I was told was not true and they could not continue my warranty.

I decided to take a few minutes and meditate before I left the house. I got really quiet and manifested that everything would work out to where my warranty would be continued. I also just ask God or the universe to give me positive energy and grace with everyone and everything I encountered today. During my time of meditation and asking for this I swear I heard Spirit say, "Andrea don't you already know you are the universe?" Okay, mind blown!

When I got to the mall, I went to look in handicap parking for a spot. Right when I pulled up, someone was backing out of a spot right in front of the door to Macy's. I had to walk through Macy's to get to the jewelry store. 

When I entered the store I nearly walked headlong into a display rack full of purses. I stopped and looked at them because I need a purse and I am very particular about the purses I use. I will usually carry the same one until it is falling apart. I do not care anything about matching colors with clothes. I looked down at the bottom of the rack and there was the exact kind of purse I was looking for with the pockets and everything the way I love them! I thought it was probably too expensive but I looked at the price tag anyway. It had been marked down from $100 to $14.98! Of course I bought it!

Then I went to the jewelry store. It was crowded and a little chaotic. I waited to the side for a while. Finally, this gentleman mouthed silently to me that he would be there in a few to help me. I told him I understood what he said and that I am hearing impaired and I read lips. He mouthed back to me, "So is my father. He reads lips too!" He smiled really big and I mmediately felt a connection. He came over, looked at everything and said I was fine and extended the warranty. 

As I was waiting on him to clean and inspect the rings I looked down and there was this gorgeous amethyst ring. It does not have real diamonds around it or anything but it is absolutely beautiful. It tugged at my heart. I remembered a time many years ago when I went through a program about women and spirituality. At the end we each gave ourselves a promise ring. I lost my promise ring a long time ago. What flashed through my mind was, "Andrea, this is your new promise ring." I felt my spirit jump for joy inside me.

When the clerk came back with my other rings I asked him to show me the ring. It is silver. It has a gorgeous amethyst that is surrounded by white sapphires. Those of you who know me know that the amethyst is my most beloved crystal. Purple is the color that vibrates the highest to me in the universe. I asked him how much it was and he said it was on sale for $59.99 and if I spent an extra $20 it would have a warranty on it if anything happens to it just like what I have on my other rings. So, I bought it. It has to get resized but I will get it a few days after my birthday in December.

I do so much for everyone else and I never do anything for me. The cost of this ring and the warranty will not break the bank for me. Yet, there are days that I will not even buy myself a cheap bottle of lotion or something because I feel guilty for taking care of me. Today, was the first time in a long time that I gave a gift to myself.

Now, I am in the mall parking lot in my car with tears in my eyes. Mostly tears of gratitude. I have been on this journey of self-improvement and enlightenment for a few years now. After my dad died I spiraled down to a very dark place. A couple of years ago I was led to someone and a group of people who reached down and helped me climb out of the hole I was in. It all started with gratitude. 

Some of you I have known about a year, some a couple of years. Some, have just entered my inner circle. Each of you blow me away with the light you shine. You have no idea how beautiful it is!! I would have never thought to do anything nice for myself like this unless the seeds had not been planted in my heart and soul from you guys. I will be forever grateful for your unconditional love.

This ring is just a thing. Things can be replaced. Yet, it symbolizes the journey I am on. It is a reminder to me of my commitment to continuing to stay on the path of enlightenment and to take care of me so I can share my light with others. It is my promise to myself to not let fear of the unknown stop me again.

To all of you who are in my know who you are...I love you deeply! 💜

Nov 9, 2024

My Thoughts on Politics and the 2024 Election

I posted this on my Facebook but wanted to post it here too.

My Thoughts On Politics and the 2024 Election 

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 


I am posting this on my OWN PAGE and posting is publicly which I rarely do. I am doing this so I have greater control over snarky and hateful comments. Yes, they will be deleted. And NO it is none of your business who I voted for even if I voted at all. 

Now, here are my thoughts on the ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE AND HATEFUL posts I have seen on my feed from ALL SIDES. You should be ashamed of yourselves. It sickens me.

I think that God looks at ALL OF THE HUMAN RACE...ESPECIALLY THOSE OF US IN THE USA with disgust. Much like parents do when their adult kids do stupid crap. I mean here God gave us the world. We did not take care of it and it became so immoral that He flooded it with the exception of a few. We continued in our dysfunction and hatred of eachother so much that He sent His only son to try to teach us ONE THING....LOVE. 

All Jesus did was teach about LOVE. He did not hang out with the elite and pious religious jack wads of that time. He hung out with the prostitutes, tax collectors and what the "main stream" people of that time saw as scum of the human race. God even sacrificed His only Son to try to teach us that LOVE is the answer. Have we learned anything? Obviously not. Because of the hateful posts and memes I have seen. It breaks my heart. 

I believe that satan (if you believe in it) is sitting back laughing with perverted joy at the hatefulness and division that politics has caused in our country. Instead of focusing on Jesus and LOVE, people are demanding that they are right and anyone who doesn't agree with them should be excommunicated and damned to hell forever. I am referring to ALL sides in this pissfest.

I guess I'm different. I understand that there are much more important things in life than whoever is president, who is elected to whatever government office or whatever political party someone is in. All that is a game of smoke and mirrors anyways. Sadly, most people are either too blind or dumb or both to see it. They continue to drink the Kool-Aid of hatred and follow the pied piper aka wolf over the cliff with all the other sheeple.

While everyone is bitching and spewing hate about recent political events, there are still people in this world who need help!! Some are homeless. Some work their asses off only to not have enough left after paying bills to feed their families. There are alcoholics and addicts who are trapped in the insanity of that disease who just need help getting out of their own nightmare. Still others are secretly thinking about exiting this crazy world at their own hands while their families are focused on politics and rage. Their families will be stunned when their loved ones finish the job and they missed the signs. What about those still trying to recover from losing everything in the recent hurricanes? And let's not forget those who are battling a terminal disease such as cancer or something else!! I venture to guess that all of these people could care less about politics and who won or lost anything. They are just praying for their own miracle and hoping they can make it through another day. They desperately need the LOVE Jesus tried to teach us about!!!

In my humble opinion EVERYONE...whether Red, Blue, Purple (my favorite color) or no color at all needs to STOP with the hatred and START practicing the very things they sing and read about in churches across this nation on Sundays. Quite frankly, sitting in a church will not make you a Christian any more than sitting in a garage will turn you into a car. Isn't there a quote somewhere that says, "And they will know we are Christians by our LOVE"? People need to sit down, shut up and really reread the Bible, and actually LIVE what Jesus taught. Remember those pesky red letters...ya know...the words Jesus supposedly said? A few of my favorites are:

John 13:34-35
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another"

John 15:12-13
"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends"

Luke 6:27-31
"Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. Do to others as you would have them do to you"

I do not really care who won or lost a political election. I understand that there are other forces at play in this world. Some good, some bad. I also understand that ultimately God is in charge and I trust Him much more than any person in this world. So, I am going to focus on my Higher Power and LOVE. The haters can just hate and block me. I do not care. I probably won't even notice they are gone.

To my family, that I call my Looney Tunes tribe... you know where I stand on things and you know I do not care what your political beliefs are at all. I just love you for who you are and nothing is ever going to change that. I am so proud of everyone of you. God blessed me with you! I love you more than life itself!!
The last thing I'm going to say with all sincerity is this...
I pray and will continue to pray that God shatter the bonds of hatred that so many people in my community and country have willingly shackled themselves with. I pray that they find their way back to LOVE. In the name of Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit, the Great Spirit, My Creator, the Universe, the Primordial Ooze and other things I call Higher Power at any given moment. Amen and amen!!