Oct 8, 2024

The Old Tree Stump In My Back Yard

The Old Tree Stump In My Back Yard

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 


I have noticed a change in the way I view things. I started out on this path to change my life at an even deeper level a year or two ago, after my father died. Before then, I never even really looked at trees. I mean I love nature but I did not understand that everything talks to everything. I have always loved birds. Birds have always spoke to me in one way or another. But, I never realized how everything in this universe is connected. 

Over the last couple of years my spiritual eyes have become stronger and stronger through different types of work that I have been doing. When I look at this tree stump I do not just see an old piece of wood laying on the grass. What I see is something beautiful. It served as a home for so many animals in my yard. Many of them I never really saw. I just knew they were there. 

My husband was going to cut it down when we first moved in and I adamantly refused to let him do that. I did not realize back then why, but I understand now. When this old tree stump fell it was very sad and very sacred to me. I mean it was inevitable because it was obvious the tree stump was dead or dying depending on how you look at it for a long time. But, over the last couple of years I saw the life in it and around it. It served a purpose even though it appeared to be dead. 

I guess it kind of reminds me of my dad. He was a very tall and strong man for most of his life. He would be the protector that raced in to save the day. He truly was my Prince Charming and my hero. Over the last couple of years of his life I watched him slowly deteriorate, to the point that he finally fell for good. 

Yet, I see his spirit all around me and I feel him everywhere. Kind of like the way this tree is still there in spirit and if left alone will give what is left of its mortal body back to the Earth where it came from. How beautiful is that?! So, that is why I am going to let this old tree stump in my backyard rest in peace where it is.

I think this world has become cold and harsh for the majority, especially here in the United States. We do not honor our elders. We certainly do not honor them after they transition to the other side. Most people are just glad they are gone. I suppose that is why I try so hard to honor my father. Because in honoring him, I am reminding everyone that he is still here and still alive. He is just in another realm and someday the veil between us will be broken and we will be together again.

I would have never thought that an old tree stump would teach me such a beautiful and sacred lesson about love and spirit. I am very grateful for the signs that God sends me all the time. I am also grateful that today my eyes are open and I can see them and let them in.