Jun 18, 2024

Bella's Stole of Honor

Dear Bella,

I have been thinking a lot about what this  graduation stole signifies to me. When you asked me to make it I got excited again, like when Courtney asked me to do a painting for her. Creating things is the energy that fuels my soul, especially when I do it for those I love so deeply. 

I always have a story for anything I create . It is written on my heart as I am creating. When I look back on my life, I realize that when I was in art school every painting, drawing, photo and print I did had a meaning and a story. Sadly, I had an art teacher who did not like the fact that I had a story with them. All he did was try to snuff out my light. It did not work did it?! Do not let anyone blow yours out either! So, here is the story of your stole of honor.

Bella's Stole of Honor

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard


My granddaughter Bella asked me to create a graduation stole for her high school graduation on June 18th in just a few days. She wanted the stole to have a Native American theme because we are Cherokee and she wanted to celebrate that. Of course, this excited me to no end and I rushed off to Hobby Lobby to find the perfect material and other items to use as embellishments. I had never made a stole before so I found a pattern to go by and changed it up a little. I always let colors and images I see help me form a plan. Most of all, I pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit to help me convey the message God wants the receiver of my gift to hear or see. It took me a couple of days to actually start on the stole. During that time, I had a dream and I got a picture inside my spirit of how Bella's stole needed to look and what it needed to say to her heart. Everything on it has a meaning from every stitch of thread to every image.

Bella’s stole is two-sided. On the front is all the bling. The fabric is in a Native American pattern. It calls to mind our loved ones who have gone on before us. There is a cross because I know Bella loves Jesus with all her heart. There is also a paw print and a picture of a dog that looks a lot like her beloved Betty. Betty went to be with the Lord a few days ago and I know that Bella's heart is aching over it. Betty carried her and her family through many devastating times and she celebrated the good things with them too. Betty was just as much a part of our family as anyone else and she deserves a place of honor on the front to celebrate with Bella. She serves as a reminder that we never lose those who have went to the arms of God before us. They are always ever present we just have to slow down to see them.

As I was creating Bella's stole of honor, my mind went back to when I was her age. I remember feeling like I could have anything in the world if I just worked real hard. I had all these plans and dreams. I just knew they would all come true. Yet, as a young adult I learned very quickly that life happens and sometimes our best laid plans do not come true. I believe that is because life does not happen in a straight line. It is full of all kinds of twists, turns and detours much like the threads and stitches in this stole. The best we can do is set goals, take steps and always remain flexible and willing to change when the path before us shifts. Most of all trust God.

I started asking God what else Bella needed for her stole. Most stoles only have the front side. The back side, the one that touches the body and touches the heart is blank. I got a picture in my mind of Bella as a young woman. Maybe she might be going through a hard day at work, or the kids are not acting right or she is weathering one of those storms life randomly throws at us all. She needed something to wrap herself in to remind her of where she came from and all those who love her dearly. 

I got this picture of quotes and images of those who love her deeply on the back of her stole. Of course, there is a picture of her and her mother, her sisters, myself, her grandparents, her uncle, cousins and others. There are words of wisdom and pride flowing through each image. These are there to remind Bella on those rough days that life throws us that she will make it through and she is not alone. Her story is never over.

The wolf symbolizes the Wolf Clan that we are part of in the Cherokee tribe. The crow is a nod to my beloved father who absolutely adored Bella. There is a picture of him holding her when she was born. I know that he is with her in every step she takes and he is the most badass guardian angel she could ever want. 

There is a reminder of the importance of family, even the ones in your family that you do not always get along with. Someday, Bella will realize that you never know who will end up in your corner when you need help. Quite often, it is the very one that you dislike the most. So, it is important to stay open but wise.

At the top and Center of all this jumble of people we call our family is Jesus, depicted in a little circle that says "Love Like Jesus". This is something that I try to do everyday and quite often fail at. All the more reason to keep Jesus the center of who we are.

The field of blue that her family and well wishes are displayed on symbolizes loyalty and fidelity. It also reminds me of my father, because it is the same color that his eyes were. It personally reminds me to look people in the eye. You see, I spent the last few minutes with my father before he died and I never realized what a beautiful blue his eyes were until that last moment. I remember thinking why had I not looked in his eyes more. So, it is a reminder for Bella to look in people's eyes, and really look into their souls.

Last but not least, there are two tiny little elephants. That is a reminder for Bella that me, her GeGe, will always be around and with her, whether in this life or on the other side.

So, my dear beautiful Bella, on days when life's storms are hammering you pull your stole of honor out and wrap yourself in it. Remember the deep love, pride and excitement we all feel for you. Never forget, you can do whatever you want to do if you will put your mind to it, pray and follow God.

I will always love you more,

GeGe 💜💜💜