I don’t see myself as poet or author. I’m just a woman who finds solace in the process of writing. It’s a spiritual journey. When I write I feel like I am sitting with God. Some of the content might be offensive; it’s not directed at anyone. I put my raw feelings down and sometimes it’s not pretty. Life isn't always wrapped in a beautiful package. I have learned to deal with this by writing. I hope these words speak to your heart as they have mine! ~Andrea~
Feb 24, 2024
My Thoughts On Life's Path
Feb 12, 2024
Am I Becoming a Crow?
Am I Becoming a Crow?
By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard
Those of you who know me know that I am always looking for signs and symbols around me. I believe they are messages from the other side, aka Heaven. I am always finding coins. Today was no different. I found a quarter and a penny. For some reason, coins always remind me of my Dad. I also found a tiny cross with a beautiful red gem in it. I do not think it is worth anything. It is just pretty to me. My first thought when I saw it was that it would go on my altar that I will start creating soon. I had already asked God to send me the things that belonged on it. So, this is the first one.
Later, as I was sweeping up leaves I went to an area I rarely sweep. There was this beautiful reflection of a rainbow on the concrete. I immediately thought of God’s promises and could have sworn He was standing right there. I clearly heard Him say, “Andrea, do not worry. I got you in my hands. I promised to always take care of you and I do not break my promises.” I stood there for a moment and let God’s comfort and peace wash over me. Then I kept sweeping.
As I swept, I was thinking about symbols and signs I see all the time. My mind went to the crow. I know it is my spirit animal, in fact all birds are. They always have been. However, the crow is extra special to me because it is my connection to my Dad in the spirit. I beckons to me.
I kept cleaning as my mind wandered. I remembered a story I read about how crows like to collect shiny objects. I realized that is exactly what I do. The question arose in my heart, “Am I becoming a crow?” I do not mean physically, I am talking metaphorically.
This question started an inner dialog with myself. Yes, I do have conversations with myself and God. I do not have a problem with that. People who do not do that are the abnormal ones. Not me. So, I began to think about all the birds that have crossed my path throughout my spiritual journey in life. Of them, the ones I have felt most drawn to are pigeons and especially crows since my Dad transitioned to the other side.
Crows have always been seen by most people as the lowest and most worthless birds. They are seen as a nuisance. I mean, farmers do have scarecrows after all. They are not wanted and do not fit in wherever they go. Yet, they are highly intelligent and excellent problem solvers. They are also known to be collectors of random things, especially if they are shiny.
My mind drifted to how my Dad used to tell me that he grew up without a bed and slept in the floor most nights. I remember when I was a little girl one time he took me to see the home he was raised in. It had dirt floors, maybe two rooms and no running water or plumbing. His parents were very poor. My Dad told me he was treated as worthless as a child and felt like he never fit in. Yet, just like the crow, he was highly intelligent and a great problem solver.
As an adult he worked hard. He served in the Navy and got an education. He always provided for us and we always had a bed to sleep in. When my Dad transitioned to the other side and we started going through his stuff, I found collections of random things many of them shiny, much like what I imagine crows collect. I kept some of them because just like my Dad and the crow, I have always been a collector.
Back to the question that I asked myself, “Am I becoming a crow?” I certainly hope I am! The spirit of a crow is just like my Dad’s; fiesty, stubborn, flamboyant with a sense of humor that will make you laugh so hard your sides ache. Yet, they both love their family and life’s misfits with a passion that never dies.
So, today, I will continue to be the crow and collect the shiny things. I will keep looking for signs and symbols from the other side. For, it is in these messages from Heaven that my eyes are open to the beauty that I can only see with my heart. It is where hope springs eternally and where love lives forever.
Tribute for My Father - 2 Years
It took me a little while to get this done. My voice isn't too good and I didn't feel like putting makeup on. So, here I am raw and real remembering my Daddy. 💜💜💜
Feb 11, 2024
My Jesus
Feb 8, 2024
Signs and Symbols From The Other Side
Signs and Symbols From The Other Side
By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard
Most people think I am nuts because I really believe strongly that our loved ones leave us signs and symbols from the other side when they pass on. I believe they do this because the gap between the two dimensions we each now live in is very difficult to cross. Some people have the gift to channel, I guess, but most of us cannot do that. So, our loved ones find different ways to make us stop and pay attention. They want us to see that they are still around us in spirit.
Today, I found another random quarter. At least some people would say it was a random one. I absolutely know this was from my Daddy. It was not random at all. It has the year 2022 on the face of it. I refuse to say that my Daddy died. Instead, I say he transitioned to the other side. This happened on February 11, 2022. I was there to lead him home. On the face, this quarter it looks a little beat up. Yet, when I flipped it over in my hand the other side looked brand new. Of course, it would be a picture of one of the beloved chiefs of our Cherokee tribe! I stood there laughing at the pure joy of seeing it as chills ran up my arm. My Daddy was and still is a very proud Cherokee man. He knew and absolutely adored Willma Mankiller.
The thought of them together on the other side blows my mind! My heart is overflowing with gratitude now knowing that my Daddy and my other ancestors, especially my Cherokee ones, are still here guiding me in spirit. I know they are here to protect me and that no matter what choufes I make in life, I will always be okay. After all, my Daddy promised to always have my back, even after he passed on.
Thank you my dear, sweet Daddy for another hello from the other side. You know that between me and you, we both realize that you are just in another dimension. Some people call it Heaven, I call it the other side. To me it is all the same.
I miss you so much Daddy! Yet, I know you are well and happy. I kniw you are my guide in the spirit because I feel your energy all around me every day.
Till we meet again in the same dimension, just know that I think about you and talk to you all the time. For me, you are not gone. You are here within my heart and in the love we still share. I love you Daddy!! 💜🌟💜🌟💜