Dec 31, 2023



By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 


I am a member of a group on Facebook called Gratitude Slam. I am also a part of a program called LOYT aka Life On Your Terms. One of our assignments was to pick a one-word intention for 2024. I kind of like the thought of that because it is a little different than declaring a resolution. I never set resolutions because I am pretty sure that I will never keep them. 

Right after I was given this assignment a couple of weeks ago I started paying attention to words that would appear around me. One that started being very obvious was the word light. It seemed like everywhere I turned this word was there. So, I started thinking about it. I wanted to understand what light meant to me.

One of the first things that comes to mind when I think about the word light is where it says in the Bible that Jesus is the light of the world. I do not know the exact scripture but I know it is in there. I also know that light can be defined as illumination or it can be defined as the lack of heaviness.

The word light symbolises to me personally, that I want the heaviness of my life to stop. I need things to be light. I feel like there is so much responsibility on my shoulders for so many people and it is way too heavy for me. So I just need it to be light.

I am an artist and I am very creative. The greatest light that I have inside of me is imagination. Without imagination I have no creativity and I feel dead inside. Without the light of imagination the world gets dark really fast for me. I suspect that I should allow myself to let my imagination flow more.

Another thing that comes to mind about the word light is the experience I had while watching my oldest granddaughter Destiny be born. When I had my two children I was so busy giving birth that I never really paid attention to what happened when they took their first breath. My daughter had a C-section and I was able to be in the surgery room with her. I remember standing where I could see up over the curtain they had everything draped with. 

I remember watching them pull my little granddaughter out. When she took her first breath I was completely blown away. I saw this absolutely gorgeous, beautiful, beyond human words to describe, bright Gold light come alive in her. I knew immediately that it was her spirit. I was awestruck. I knew I was witnessing a sacred and holy moment. She had this Golden light around her for the longest time after. I remember I went with the nurse to clean Destiny up and then she wheeled her into her mother's room where she was waiting. Our family was there too. I was still so awestruck that I could not talk. The only thing that kept going through my mind was this little song "This Little Light of Mine". I had not even held Destiny yet. I just stood back and watched in awe. Once everyone was gone and my daughter was asleep, I sat in the wee morning hours and rocked and sang that little song to my granddaughter.

See, I have always known that we all have a light inside of us. Watching my granddaughter's light come alive inside of her confirmed what I have always believed. The older we get the more this world can dim our light. It can be caused from abuse, heartache, disappointment, stress or almost anything. The light is always there but it is up to us to focus on it and keep the worldly clamors from making it fade away. 

I was also thinking about light and dark. It seems like we cannot have one without the other. How would I know that there was light if I never experienced dark or vice versa? To me, it is the same way with color. If all I ever have is white or black, my world is going to be pretty dull and colorless. One could say it is the same with music. If the only note I ever hear is Middle C, I will miss the beauty of the entire Symphony. Michael Ian Cedar gave me that analogy. 

I must experience the positive and negative; the light and dark; the high and low notes; and all the colors in between white and black in order to truly experience the beauty of the world and even the universe. In order to be able to do this I must remain open and let my light shine. It is not always easy to do in this cruel world. 

When I got to Gratitude Slam I was in a very dark place. I was on the heels of losing my beloved father. My stepdad died and my mother almost died. Right before this, I had gone through brain surgery. One major thing after another kept knocking me down. So, I felt like life was a never-ending nightmare. The light inside of me was buried underneath the quicksand of heartache and grief. Gratitude Slam, LOYT, Michael Ian Cedar, his partner Elizabeth and all the members that I call my tribe saved my life. They came with their lights and helped me climb the ladder out of the pit of darkness that had engulfed me.

I had a sponsor named Gail in AA for many years. She died recently and I deeply miss her. She explained the journey that we were on together like this: All of us are on the same journey in sobriety and life. Her sponsor was ahead of her on the path and she had a flood light. Gail was just ahead of me with a cheap Walmart plastic flashlight. I was right behind her with a tiny pen light. There was another young woman behind me with a match that had a tiny ember still glowing on it. If any of us turned off our lights, the one at the very back who needed the most help would not see that there was any hope. It did not matter if my light was bigger or smaller than anyone else's. What mattered most is that I kept my light shining for others so they could find their way on the path of life too. My sponsor called all of us light bearers.

I have no clue what 2024 has in store for any of us. I do feel like things are a little lighter today. That is because of the light bearers God has put my life today. You know who you are. Without your light I would not be here. I would have given up the fight. So, one minute at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time I will shine my light for the next person that needs to know that there is hope.

Happy New Year Everyone!!

Dec 27, 2023

Missing My Daddy Today

There are days I wake up with a knot in my throat and tears in my eyes. I miss my Daddy so much!

This video I did a while ago popped up today. 💜💜💜

Dec 25, 2023

Trees of Life and Light

Trees of Life and Light

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 


Merry Christmas everyone! I saw the prayer below and it spoke to my heart about a program I attend called LOYT (Life On Your Terms). Our intention for this 90 days is ROJ (Return On Joy). I thought those of you who are Christian like I am, might like the prayer too. To those of you who might celebrate something else or nothing at all, I pray many blessings for you as well! I am seeking a word of intention for myself for 2024. I keep randomly finding the word LIGHT. Coincidence? I think not. Notice the prayer says "lighted trees of life". I am painting a tree of life for my granddaughter Courtney. Wow! Just wow!! Signs everywhere if we slow down to see them. 🙏🏼🌟💜

Release the joy in us that’s been crushed by pride, wrong priorities, or world events. Tear down the strongholds that have held us captive far too long. Extinguish the flames of apprehension that rob us of a calm, quiet spirit. Show us again the beauty of that holy night so many centuries ago.

Your name is still called “Wonderful,” “Counselor,” “The Mighty God,” “The Everlasting Father,” and “The Prince of Peace.” As Your children, we cry out for a fresh filling, and a new awareness of Who You are. We choose by faith to make the “good news of great joy” a reality in our own lives, so others can see us as lighted trees of life, pointing to You this Christmas. We know one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that You are Lord. And we also know that peace on earth can only come when hearts find peace with You.

You are still our Joy. You are still our Peace. You are no longer a babe in the manger. You are Lord of lords and King of kings. And we still celebrate You as Lord—this Christmas and always. Amen.
~ Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Merry Christmas to My Little Family!! 💜

Merry Christmas

Dec 22, 2023

Elephants, Sunshine and the Tree of Life

Elephants, Sunshine and the Tree of Life 

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 


I am so grateful for the gift of creativity that my Creator gave me. I believe that it is one of the vehicles I can use to live my life's purpose and help others, especially my family who I love deeply.

A few weeks ago my granddaughter Courtney asked me to do a painting for her. It had to have an elephant, the tree of life and sunshine in it. Courtney is a very deep thinker so I asked her what those things symbolized to her. She told me that she was going through a really hard time and that she wanted to be able to look at the painting and see hope in it. She said that the Tree of Life symbolized hope and she just loves elephants. The fact that she wanted it to symbolize something excited me because I love symbolism. I believe there are hidden messages all through life. I just have to be willing to slow down and pay attention to the symbols around me.

I attend a self improvement type group called LOYT aka Life On Your Terms. I made a commitment to myself and LOYT to spend a few hours a week doing something creative. So, I took some time tonight to sketch out what will eventually be Courtney's painting. I gave her a sneak peek of it over the phone tonight. She loved it and she got what the hidden messages were. That makes my heart happy!!

I am sure the painting will be quite different from this sketch; but the overall layout will be what is there now. Here is how I described it to her. 

The smaller elephant represents Courtney and the larger elephant is her mother. I told her I just could not put only one elephant in the painting. It had to be two. That is because when I feel the most hopeless, I feel all alone. I wanted to remind her that she is never alone. Her mother's love will always be there and she will never leave her.

Both elephants have broken tusks. This represents the disappointments and heartache we go through in life. Yet, like the elephant we survive and stay strong when we hold on to each other. The love we share will carry us through the worst things in life as long as we stay connected. 

The sunshine peaking between the tree limbs behind them symbolizes me and the love I have for them. Just like the sun, I will always be there even when my old body is gone. My spirit will never leave because that is how deep my love is for the two of them and the rest of our family.

The crow is a nod to my father, Courtney's great-grandpa. He is in Heaven now watching over and protecting us. Just like the birds keep the bugs off of an elephant's back, her great-grandpa is ever-present and still has our backs too. 

The tree of life has very deep roots. We usually do not see how deep the roots are under the ground beneath a tree. Yet, they are there and serve as the foundation of the beautiful life growing above the ground. The roots symbolize the lessons our parents, grandparents and even our ancestors have taught us. They also represent the values that we live by such as Faith, Hope, Love, Integrity, Honesty, Courage and so on. The tree that grows above the ground is the expression of what one cannot see below the ground. It is the manifestation of who we are meant to be and the life we live with others.

Courtney is my youngest granddaughter. She is an old soul like me. If people truly lived other lives, I am certain we knew eachother in a previous one. We are alot alike in how we view the world. Of course, she is beautiful on the outside, however, her spirit on the inside is absolutely gorgeous! 

She has no idea what she has unlocked inside my heart with her request of me to paint. I have not drawn much or painted at all since I graduated art school in 2005. I stopped painting after not be able to complete a portrait of my granddaughter Zoey who died. Since then, I have felt like I lost the music I needed to sing through my painting. Today, finally, I will not let my music die inside of me!! 

Thank you my beautiful Courtney for having the key to unlock my heart. I will always love you more!! 💜💜💜

Check Out My First VLOG!!

12/22/23 My Thoughts On Life and Middle C

Dec 21, 2023

Holiday Gratitude List

Holiday Gratitude List

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 


Today, as reflect on my life and this holiday season I would like to share a piece of my heart with everyone, especially what I call "my little family". Holidays are really tough for me, even more so since my Dad died. I usually just blurr through them and breathe a huge sigh of relief once January 1st comes and goes every year. I am doing my best this year to stay present inside and focus on the positive. Practicing gratitude helps me do that. So, here is my gratitude list for this holiday season.

1. I am so grateful for God, Jesus, hey you and other names I call my Higher Power when I pray. It all depends on my state of mind at the moment what I call my HP. Without God's totally unconditional love and never-ending grace and mercy for me, I would have killed myself a long time ago and missed out on the amazingly, beautiful orchestra that has been and still is my life.

2. I am so grateful for my continued sobriety. I know that people often think sobriety is just not drinking or using drugs. However, for me, sobriety is so much more than that. It is living by a set of 12 steps and 12 principles in my life everyday. I am not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. However, one day at a time, I do the very best I can even though on some days my best is terrible. That is where that never-ending love, grace and mercy that my HP has for me comes in. He makes up for all my screw-ups. If I do not have any other boundary that I commit to, uphold and will never compromise for anyone, that boundary is to not drink or drug no matter what. As long as I stay sober and do the very best I can every day to live and practice the 12 steps and 12 principles in my life, I have a chance and there is hope for a better tomorrow. For that, and for all of the angels in human form that God has put in my path, both in and out of recovery, I am very grateful because I would not be here without them.

3. I am so grateful for my children and grandchildren and their spouses, my husband, my in-laws and my soon coming 3 great-grandchildren. They are what I call "my little family." My little family is absolutely beautiful. We are not perfect. We all stumble and bumble through life together. We laugh together, cry together, and fight together. But, somehow we have always found a way to stay together. I know that it is the deep love we have for each other that binds us together. 

4. I am so grateful for the most incredible crossroad in my life. That was when I got sober on July 5th 1986. My children were still babies. I saw no hope and wanted to die that day. If I would have chose not to get sober I would have missed out on the most crazy, funny, passionate, and beautiful little family that I have. God has richly blessed us and for that I will be forever grateful.

5. I am so grateful for my parents. My father was not perfect, he would be the first to tell you that if he were still this side of Heaven. Oh I miss him so much! He taught me about humility and loving someone no matter what. My mom is one amazing woman. She blazed alot of trails for me. She was the first in my family to graduate college and planted that seed in me. She fought breast cancer and won 30 years ago. A lot of the successful treatments we have today they tested on her. She still deals with the fallout from being the crash test dummy way back then. She has taught me about perseverance. So, in spite of the fact that I have often locked horns with my parents, I love them deeply and am very grateful for them.

6. I am so grateful for my stepmom Linda. She has always been my cheerleader on the sidelines. Our friendship is a beautiful jewel in my life. She has been my oil of joy after losing my Dad, even though she is still grieving herself. She has taught me about being kind and practicing integrity and grace even when others don't and everything is falling down around you.

7. I am so grateful for my LOYT family, especially my coaches Michael and Elizabeth. Their voices into my life are more valuable to me than all the money in the world. I am so grateful they left the ladder down for me and helped pull me up out of the darkness. 

8. I am so grateful that my LOYT accountability partner Lisa speaks truth to me even when it is not easy. I am grateful for the truth grenades she has thrown over my walls of fear to blast them down and help me grow. She truly is n angel in human form for me.

My gratitude list could go on and on but I will stop there for now. 

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas or whatever it is that you celebrate and a Happy New Year!!

Andrea aka Mom aka GeGe 💜

Dec 6, 2023

Celebrating Me, My Bella and My Little Family

Celebrating Me, My Bella and My Little Family

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 


I need to celebrate something about me, my Bella, and my little family tonight. Today, my granddaughter, Bella, who is a senior in high school asked me to proofread an essay she wrote for a college entrance application and scholarship. I am the resident proofreader, so, I opened the file and started reading through it. Much to my amazement, part of what she wrote was about the impact I had in her life one time. It was when she and her mother and sister moved to New Jersey, away from me in Oklahoma. I told her it was okay to cry but then wipe your tears and get back up and enjoy the journey that God has laid out in front of you. I never once realized that she even listened to me. I usually think kids just think it is just their crazy grandma talking. But, she wrote in her essay that she has never forgotten what I said and that it has carried her through some of the most difficult times in her life. 

I know what my life purpose is, but I often think I am not living it. See, I have all these grandiose ideas of how I should be doing it and how terribly I am failing at it. Then, out of nowhere, my beautiful granddaughter Bella makes me realize that God uses me the most when I do not even know it.

I think about day one sober when I was 23 years old. I had no idea, in spite of all the hardship in my life, that I would be blessed with such beautiful children and grandchildren. I never once thought that I would ever do anything to help them, or that they would admire me. So, as I sit here and tears of gratitude stream my face, I am going to celebrate the woman I have become. Most of all, I am going to celebrate the miracle that God created in me, the beautiful woman my Bella is growing up to be, and the gift of my beautiful little family that I so deeply love.