Apr 25, 2022

Goodbye Too Soon

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 


I was going through some unpacked boxes today and found this. I did not know when I made this print back in 2004 that it would mean so much to me now. Even the title speaks to my heart. My father was in the Navy. This is the picture in my heart of what it felt like to say goodbye to him when he died. I wanted to hold on to him forever. Yet, he is the one still holding me from the other side. I love you daddy!! ❤️

Apr 17, 2022

Leading My Daddy Home

Leading My Daddy Home 

Easter 2022

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 

16 years ago my granddaughter Zoey died and I thought that I would never feel the depths of sorrow and despair like I did with her. Boy was I wrong. Do not misunderstand me, I am very grateful that God chose me to lead my father home. Yet, it came with a heavy price inside my heart.

I was there with him through the longest journey in our lives together. It lasted over 3 months. All I did was work all day and go take care of him all evening and night every single day. There were happy times, very beautiful times and sad times.

The night before he died God told me, "Take off work tomorrow, you have to be with him to lead him home." I did just that even though it felt as if my heart was being torn apart. There is nowhere else I would have been. I loved him that deeply. 

I held his hand the whole time, he never let it go. I remember looking into his eyes just before he passed. I never realized what beautiful, captivating blue eyes he had until that moment. We locked eyes and he looked into my heart and I into his. I told him to go home, that it was okay, I would be fine and I would find my way back to him again some day. Then he took his last breath and made his transition to the arms of God.

I have no doubt that he is happy. He is at peace and free of the illness that plagued him on this side. I understand he is the blessed one and the tears I cry are for me. I am the one left here in this crazy world and it feels like my dad is a million miles away. Yet, I would not trade a moment of spending my father's last days with him for anything. I feel grateful and humbled at the thought that my Creator chose me to lead my father home. 

I am sorry I am rambling. I think I am just beginning to process it all and understand the sacred, holy, spiritual experience I went through with my father. Maybe I will not fully comprehend the magnitude of the journey we took together until I make it to Heaven with him some day. I do not know. I just feel so completely grateful that we were together through it all and I could help lead my daddy home.

I Heard Your Cry

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard 

Easter 2022

Painting is very spiritual to me. It is as if I am at the feet of God's throne and the painting paints me instead of me painting it. This painting is one that God painted for me. While I was painting it I kept focusing on the Lord's ear. I didn't understand why so, I asked why. Lord, what are you trying to tell me? Then I heard Jesus say loud and clear, "I heard your cry!" Hence the title for this painting...I Heard Your Cry.

This weekend of all times throughout the year, this image means more to me than ever. 

"O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?"

I'm so grateful God loves me because of who HE is and not who I am.  Holy, Holy, Holy is my Lord and Savior Jesus!!!

Apr 16, 2022

Just BE with Me

April 16, 2022

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard

I just want this pain
To stop
Losing you
Broke my heart
My mind
And spirit
Like I have never
Known before

I keep grasping
For someone
To throw me
A life jacket
And pull me out of the
Waves of grief
That thrash my body around
And keep sucking me
Into the deep

Everyone keeps telling me to
Pull it together
Get on with life
Get back to normal
Yet when I try
I am like a bumbling bull
In a China closet
Because nothing
Feels normal right now

When I reach out for
Those around me
Who supposedly
Love me the most
I get slapped down
And pushed away

Because grief is
Not all pretty
Or put together
It is ugly
And hideous to see
Much less be the one
Trying to get through it
One breath at a time
Till I am free

Whatever happened to
And unconditional love

All I need is
Those closest to me
To listen
To just be there
Just BE with me
Hold me when I cry
Love me in spite of me
Help me get through
These devastating
Waves of sorrow

Tears do not come
When it is convenient
They overtake me
Out of nowhere
I go spinning
I lose my footing
And I feel lost

So instead of
Criticizing me
Telling me
I am crazy
Be strong
That life goes on

Please just love me
And hold on to me
Through this
Tsunami of grief
Until I can stand
On my own again