Written with love for my son Sedrick on January 5, 2019 - the day before his 37th birthday
By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard
37 years ago today I was in the midst of long, hard labor with my first child. Back then we did not have ultrasounds to tell us what we were having before our baby was born. Yet, I just knew it was a boy. I had picked his name when I was 14 years old. I had seen a movie called Little Lord Fauntleroy. It was a story about the love between a mother and her son who was named Sedrick. I knew at that moment I would have a little boy who would have the same name someday and we would share the same deep love for each other. I remember when Sedrick was born, the first time I heard his cry it was like music to my heart and soul because I knew he was alive and well. From that moment on he has been one of the deepest loves of my life.
I was only 19 when I had him. Him being my oldest child and me being so young, he and I grew up together. As a little boy he was always the one that woke up happy. Every morning he would jump in my lap and kiss my cheek and tell me how much he loved me. Even when I was at my worst, face down in my puke drunk this little guy never gave up on me. He just loved me for me. No expectations, no hatred, just pure love.
As time marched on I got sober and he road that crazy roller coaster with me. He's been through hell and back with me many times over. From me learning how to live again in sobriety, to divorce, to my crazy idea to move to Las Vegas for awhile. Even through it all he always managed to be my comedian. He has always found a way to make me laugh and smile even in my darkest hours.
As a young teenager he found music and took off like a rocket. His music is the oil of joy to me. I will never forget the day he sang a song that he wrote for me. It was just another hectic day and Mother's Day was close. In the middle of the chaos he stopped me in my tracks when he said, "Mom, listen to this song I wrote!" I begrudgingly stopped what I was doing. Then he started singing, "Happy Mother's Day Momma, I made you breakfast in bed! Oh how I love you Momma even when you've done wrong." As he sang my heart melted and tears filled my eyes. I saw there before me the beautiful gift God gave me in him. That song has saved me many times when life has kicked my teeth in. It always comes up in my heart and reminds me that there is one person left in this world who loves me...my son.
Eventually, this beautiful young man graduated school and got married. I will remember the day my son became a man in my eyes like it was yesterday. It was when I watched him place his little baby girl's casket in the ground. I knew the love he had for her and I knew how much pain he was in. Yet, he loved her so much he laid her to rest himself. Words cannot describe how horribly beautiful that moment was. I stood in awe of him and I still do today. I realized again, how blessed I was to be chosen to be his mother.
Over the years we have been through alot. Most of it together; some of it apart for awhile. But somehow we have always found our way back to each other again. We have argued, fought, yelled, cried, played, joked and laughed together. We have not done life perfectly but we are still there for each other. Our love for one another has never died.
I have watched him raise his daughter and seen what an awesome father he is. Now, I get to watch him raise his newborn son. I watch from the outside in on his life and I am so proud of him. He has grown into such a fine, loving man, husband and father. Even though he's fighting his own battle with a chronic illness he never gives up. He always pushes and gives his all.
If I had been asked to draw a picture or write a story 37 years ago about the son I would have I would have short changed myself. I could have never imagined the man I would so humbly call my son today. He is a bright and shining spirit full of love and compassion. He is not perfect. He's an awful lot like me, opinionated and passionate. He deeply loves his family and most of all he deeply loves the Lord.
So, on the eve of your 37th birthday, my dear sweet Seddy, I just want you to know that no matter how crazy life gets I am still here. I love you and I am proud of you. I was your first and most devoted fan and I always will be. I knew and loved you long before anyone else. You had my heart then and always will. Happy birthday!
Momma ❤