Mar 22, 2017

More Thoughts On Prayer

By Andrea Tadpole-Broussard

I believe that all the prayers my loved ones have said, all the ones I have said and still say are still going and never stop. They continue forever. Same energy that is in the universe...from our lips to God's ears.


Written in 2010

by Andrea Tadpole

Late at night
Trying to sleep
Mind running crazy

Too many worries
Too much to remember
Too much to forget

Feel so overwhelmed
Feel so alone
When will the hard times end

Happiness eludes me
Sorrow engulfs me
Too much loss
Too much pain

Is God real or is it all a sham

Don't know
Don't care

Just wanna sleep


by Andrea Tadpole-Broussard

I wrote this today in response to a discussion about prayer and whether it works or not. Don't want to lose it so I'm posting it here:

I can waste my life mind f#cking myself over which came first, the chicken or the egg and miss out on the beauty in life. That's not to say that life is always easy. Frankly, most of the time life is a shit sandwich that I have to choke down and the good stuff makes it worth it. For years before I got sober my grandmother, Mary...may she RIP always told me, "Andi I'm praying for you and some day you're going to get help!" Every time she said that I cringed because I wanted to die. I hated life and everyone in it. On 7/5/86 I got sober. I look back and can see the hand of God was working all the way through to make me willing to get help. I know without a shadow of a doubt that my grandmother's prayers kept me alive and got me sober. So, I'm not going to waste my life over analyzing God and spiritual things. I just accept it and believe. Thank God for my grandmother!