Apr 11, 2012

For My Daddy

For My Daddy

By Andrea Tadpole

One minute I'm working
The next my life is falling apart
The phone rings
Everything changes
Because of your broken heart

Nothing lasts forever
Yet I want to make
Time stand still

I cannot take more sorrow
But pain is at my door

Thoughts of losing you
Terrify me
Suck the breath from my lungs
Halt my beating heart

You are part of what created me
You gave me life
And loved me
Through the thick and thin

Your presence has surrounded me
With every step I take

We've butted heads
And disagreed

Yet through it all
You've loved me
Become my guiding light
And closest friend

I know the day is coming
From this world you'll pass
Yet I want to stop the clock
And make each moment last
For you've always been my hero
My ever present rock

When your time is over
And I'm left here all alone
I hope that I remember
What you taught me from the start

That family is most important
Love them at all cost
Believe in those who are different
Who don't always fit the mold
Give of myself to others
Work hard
Play even harder
Never forget to laugh
Especially when I'm old

I've always been a daddy's girl
My hero you'll always be

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Apr 8, 2012

Easter 2012

By Andrea Tadpole

Easter is not about what church service you attend, what clothes you wear, or what you post about it on Facebook. Easter is about the sacrifice a loving Savior made for us on the cross and the miracle of His resurrection. He loved us in spite of ourselves. No amount of church services, nice clothes, or other arrogance like the pharasees had will buy ones way into heaven. Only the acceptance of His ultimate sacrifice holds the key.

I don't go to church because most of them are full of white washed tombs. They look good on the outside but they are dead on the inside. They wouldn't know Jesus if He sat down next to them and most would probably throw him out of the church.

I found Jesus again many years ago at the foot if my bed on my knees. I didn't need to go to a church to find Him. Even if I did go to one they probably would have thrown me out. Jesus met me where I was, just the way I was. He loved me because of WHO HE IS not because of me.

See, I believe He loved me just as much when I was face down in my puke passed out drunk as He does today sober for many years. He loves us all that way. We cannot earn His love, we must let it into our hearts.

So, when you get through with all your religious trappings and traditions today. Go home, take your nice clothes off and hit your knees at the foot of your bed. For it is in the quiet solitude and humility of your heart that you will find Him...closer than your next heartbeat. Oh and while your down there maybe you could stop and truly thank Him for the sacrifice He made.